Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Getting Back into the Swim

Dear Marmite,

The world is opening up slowly but surely. I have started swimming at the local sports centre. This is, of course, a bit down market compared to Dairy Farm. For a start there are riff raff in the pool - only joking Wolverton!

Because of coronavirus, there are strict rules and you have to book your spot in the pool for one hour well ahead of time. Certain parts of the changing facilities are out of bounds as well. In fact, there is no real indoor swimming pool noise and the experience is all together much more zen. This is well organised.

People are walking the streets in groups again. These are mostly teenagers who are on the real part of their summer holiday staycation. To be honest it has been a bit of a bummer for those who went to Spain or who want to go as the government have suddenly enforced a quarantine period of 14 days for all those who return home. I also understand that previously booked holidays are not being refunded either. Oh dear!

My friend has just returned from Singapore to set up a new life here in the UK. Her planning was thwarted on many fronts but despite this, she is now back in St Albans with a dog, a cat, a daughter and loads of luggage! I picked her up from Heathrow airport and that was eerily quiet like the pool yesterday.

Now her household are in quarantine for 14 days, which she will probably appreciate after the manic process of leaving a country for good. I know, I have done that and got the badge!  Apparently, when you self isolate, you can still go to the shops for food and medicine. Probably the pub is off limits though even though it might seem medicinal.

The trouble with the rules here in the UK are that they are fluid, open to interpretation and very likely to change on a whim. I imagine the cabinet in daily session via zoom where they are all still in their jim jams discussing how they can piss the most number of people and perhaps other countries off in the process. They probably vye for the most outlandish suggestion. From their current record, there are some really creative pillocks around the proverbial table! 

Oh Marms, I could go on at length, I despair of the way this country is being run. Perhaps "run" doesn't quite describe what they are doing daily. For a start, I am seeing first hand what a shambles the Home Office is. They are writing letters to my friend to say he isn't entitled to any support because he didn't move into accommodation which they have never offered him. They have also contacted him via letter and phone assuming he was someone else. Perhaps this is part of the creativity of the cabinet trying to piss the greater number of people off. I wouldn't put it past them.

The biggest, worstest thing to happen to me is that I have permanently deleted loved photos. How did this happen, you ask. Easily. I now have a 10 year old, much treasured camera that is compatible with my newish tab tablet. They won't speak to each other and any software available is for newer cameras. I managed to put my D90 photos on the phone and thi king theyvwere there, I seleted them off my camera. They included all my over land photos from Sophia onwards... I have been kicking myself ever since.

I must go, Marms. I really do miss you, you wonderful beast. Keep smiling as you always do.

Hugs and cuddles,



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