Saturday, October 17, 2020

An omnishambles of unprecedented proportions

 Dear Marmite

Friday night came and went and I spent it with a large G&T. I don't think that breaks the rules of who or what you can mix with but with Boris' ramblings you can never be too sure at the moment. I didn't even have anyone to beat at cards.

We have a new regime with a traffic light system of lockdowns where the north and north west of England is supposed to be bearing the brunt of the system. Unfortunately, no one likes it and Manchester has refused to follow the new rules. On the good side, you will now be able to get a GCSE in COVID experiences but I expect it will be diffiuclt to score well as the text is quite illusive. 

At this point, I'd like to share some of my observations as to why things are not really working. I live near a secondary school. This school uses two entrances for students to come and go. In the mornings when I head to the pool large groups huddle together while waiting to be allowed onto the premises - about 10% of the youngsters wear masks - usually lodged under the chin - but credit must be given for at least trying with this. Obviously, the school is concerned about the spread of germs so they let it happen beyond the perimeter. 

So this is a community mixing freely. After school, the feral students from the two gates converge somewhere near my house to chat, mob each other and snog! The head of the school probably has good systems in place inside the school but all to no avail if kids behave like this to and from home. 

The school must have at least 1200 kids who go back to probably 600 different homes where they share their newly acquired germs with other members of their families. Mums and Dads then go off to different workplaces, shops and perhaps pubs to spread the love and germs gathered by their offspring. This is one school. This must be happening all over the country so what is the point of limiting how how many people can meet together? Tell me Marms. This is an omnishambles and we are in the thick of it.

Meanwhile, as I write this, I imagine the holiday that had to be cancelled because Danielle sat across a table from someone who tested positive at work. Life is not fair. It really isn't. I think I am quite smart and I don't quite get what I am aloud to do and what I am not. Any thoughts, Marms?

On the bright side, as a small substitute for all the swimming we could have done in a tropical paradise just 10 miles down the road, I organised a trip to the pool for Richard, Danielle and Nasser. This wasn't exactly pushing the boat out but it was a nice lunch time dip. I am a little off target for the month as I isolated so only 20km so far. 

I promised myself I wouldn't mention the weather this time. It really is what everyone talks about over here. It makes a change from the modus operandi in Singapore where food take centre stage as a conversation starter. So Marms -  yes, I do like spicy food and no, I haven't taken my lunch!

What about you, Marms? Have you taken your lunch, yet? 

Miss you as always - you are definitiely in a better place! 



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