Sunday, October 11, 2020

What a week that was!

 Dear Marmite

The weather here gets nippier by the day and now we have the central heating on. It is currently 7c outside and I never feel I have enough warm clothes! If only I had your lovely, silky coat. It would certainly be of benefit over here, especially now. The only downside is when the temperature suddenly perks up and you have to strip off mid journey.

I had been so looking forward to our family trip to Center Parcs, Woburn - less than 10 miles down the road. I booked it up in April and we had all sorts of activities booked for the week. I was so excited, I had even started packing. Sadly, on Tuesday I had to cancel because of this bloody COVID. What have I got to look forward to now?

This is what happened. Danielle got a call from work on her weekend off to say that she had been in contact with another member of staff who had tested positive. That meant she had to self isolate for 10 days and as a result of my living with her, so did I. This meant we couldn't go on holiday. She phoned me up with the bad news just as I was heading for my swim so I walked into the pool and told them I had to cancel my booking. I returned home and started to check online to get a test. IMPOSSIBLE. You can only get a test if you are on the verge of kicking the bucket. 

I can understand why lockdowns are not working here in the UK. How can people restrict themselves to their homes not knowing whether they are carriers or not? A test would have enabled Danielle to return to work - with no lost income, We could have carried on with our holiday and put money into the economy instead of retiring from society in the off chance that a virus jumped across a table and passed through Danielle's PPE. I am sure many people have been in this situation and decided to chance it as the loss of income is as big a risk as passing on COVID. Come on Boris sort your shit out!

The best comedy available at the moment is Trump. He has proved himself to be a total laughing stock - a prime dickhead no less  - and all without batting an eyelid. The narcissistic oaf reckons that COVID is a blessing from God, who incidentally must come from China. The safest thing America can do is replace him with a cardboard cutout. At least the world would be in safer hands.

On another front, I bought a house on Monday as one does!! Despite all the setbacks with getting the transaction done, I now own a railwayman's terraced cottage in New Bradwell, MK. Nasser has moved in with his children and between us we are going to tart it up a bit. Unfortunately Nasser locked us out soon after he moved in and now we need to repair a door before we start the bits we need to do. I am trying to laugh about this. 

I am also employed  - not for any money  - I am helping Nasser's daughter with her GCSEs. I have already tackled biology and now Macbeth looms for tomorrow evening. We have already done some art together. This is teaching at its nicest.

So Marms, with the weather at a barmy 13c now so I am heading out for a jolly on the bike. Wish you were here. There is so much I could show you.

Love you loads as always



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