Tuesday, January 12, 2021

I am slowly losing the plot

 Dear Marmite

I have been in lockdown for the third time for a period of time I can't measure. I can't even remember when it started. I am existing in a vacuum where days drift by and I don't really do anything. Of course I go out each day and have a bit of fresh air but even that makes me a little irked. Just round the corner from where I live is a recreation ground which even on the coldest of days is a little like Piccadilly Circus. 

I look peevishly at these hordes gathered in knitted groups and hold them responsible for my current state. The term over here for people like that is Covidiots and now we have 935 infections per 100,000 in MK you might think just one of them would make a link between their behaviour and this crisis. 

A small tinge of sympathy for these people wells up from the Cummings Effect from the first lockdown. That was not only that that Covidiot needed an eyesight test 250 miles from home, it is also the rest of the bumbling entourage that is still leading the UK down the pan. I can understand why no one actually takes notice of what they are asked to do. The current news infers that some are calling for even tougher measures. When the current ones are not adhered to then what is the point of dreaming up more ways to spoil the party. 

Billie Bump is due to burst into the world in less than a week. The hospital she is going to is overwhelmed with COVID patients. Apparently nationally the hospitals are expecting the biggest influx this week as the aftermath of  the Christmas get-togethers that weren't supposed to happen. I am just a tad concerned that my grandchild will arrive in the world in a place that has a very high concentration of people with COVID - not a good start to life. 

Danielle, Mum-to-be; on the other hand, arrived in a pre-1968 VW Beetle on Grand Bahama Island. In retrospect there is much to recommend this type of birth. The weather was warm for starters although her father behaving like a demented Basil Fawlty when his car broke down doesn't fulfill my image of the perfect idyll on that moment - not a spectacularly supportive sort of partner in a crisis to be sure! Let's hope Richard will step up to the plate.

It was lovely to be invited to a Zoom with Dairy Farmers last weekend. The condo has always been so full of interesting people with so much to share - a number of writers among them. Bryn Barnard told us about his book, Outbreak. I read it in bed last night after buying that and one other from Amazon (sorry world - my purchasing options are limited and yes, I do harbour guilt). The book is about how pandemics have changed the world. Not only did I learn so much from the zoom, I also got to see old neighbours. thank you, Kevin.

The only thing that is occupying my thoughts beyond becoming a grandmother again and this time sharing the sleepless nights, is where I will move to. I look at Zoopla in much the same way as I look at FB. I check the top three house pictures that fit my filters twice a day. Now I have upped my budget, there is quite a lot to choose from. All I need is the cash! 

Talking of cash, I see that Rita has splashed out on a raincoat for you, Marms. I also see from your picture that you are not happy to wear said coat. I know that Singapore has had more than its fair share of rainfall - 40 hours of continuous rain I heard. So you either go out and get wet or you go out and look grumpy covered in a doggie raincoat. ALL dogs need to go for walkies, even you. 

Next picture, I want to see you full of smiles Marmite - you hear? 

Love you as always



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