Friday, January 1, 2021

The Final Countdown

 Dear Marmite

You and I have made it through 2020. That year should have signposted perfect vision and clarity. Instead what we got was muddle-headed thinking in a world gone mad. So much so that I have found it difficult to look back on my world and see many really distinguishing features. As a person retired I don't notice weekends anymore - so nothing to look forward to short term. As a person deprived of adventure, travel and sport, I have had my morose moments - probably too many - where I wonder what the point of it all is.

                                         New Year's Day from my window

As an aide memoire, I have looked back on my year in terms of numbers. I visited 10 countries last year - YES! 10 different ones. WOW! I completed 364 quick crosswords, and a few less Sudokus thanks to The Guardian. I had about 6 meals out that I can remember. I played tennis a handful of times, swam miles and got lost on my bike more times than Nasser cares to remember. 

I saw my son just 4 times - this includes 2 visits to Scotland. I went to one COVID funeral  - I still think of Mike passing on without those he loved around him. That has to be the worst of all the aspects of this damned virus. Also,  I haven't really connected with friends except through face time. Again, this is an oddity of our world. Real hugs and kisses don't exist for me anymore. I just send virtual ones to you, Marms.

Despite all this, I have two houses and I really want one that I want to live in. My efforts for this new year will be plunged into finding my forever home. I want to stay in the MK area. At least I am sure of this. Last year at this time, that wasn't in my plan. I was in Turkey one year ago  - a place I would love to visit again. While we are talking of numbers, there are so many trips I would love to do before too long. The longer I am holed up, the longer the list grows. Singapore and seeing you is high up on my agenda, Marms.

As one day morphs into another, this New Year's Day doesn't feel any different but I feel it should. I haven't made any resolutions - just a vague lists of things I want to do and things I want to happen. 

One thing is for sure. I aim to make the most of the passing moments, stay connected with my friends across the world and laugh long and often. 

To you, Marms, the happiest of New Years.. Hugs across the airwaves...




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