Tuesday, January 5, 2021

We could be heading for tier 6 and beyond

 Dear Marmite

Very soon indeed the government of this country will expect me to move no further than 5 meters from my sofa. This will be tier 6. Last night however, with lots of bluff and bluster after denying that any further lockdowns were necessary, Boris put the whole of England into tier 5. This means I can go out for essential exercise, go to essential shops, but very little else.

My hair needs a good cut. So for me a hairdressers would count as an essential shop. This is not on the list though. Also, as Danielle pointed out, people who need shoes can only buy them from the internet and old dears like me often aren't savvy enough to buy things on line. I actually can't disagree with that. 

Before Christmas I wanted some warm winter boots - snow boots really. They had to be waterproof and look reasonably smart and certainly not be wellies. I really liked a pair of Sorel ones but there were none in my size to start with. Then there were but they cost an arm and a leg. I started looking at other makes and I have since bought very nice, well-fitting boots at least £20 less than I was going to pay. One small whoopsie - they are not waterproof. Being waterproof was my number one priority too. C'est la vie!

I have also narrowed my focus on what I am looking for housewise. I initially wanted a plot of land or a real doer-upper as a project. Looking around, nothing really ticks those boxes. From our little jaunt, I do know that I want a non-estate house, possibly in a village nearby or an older part of MK. Also, after doing a reccie with Nasser, I have found I like houses that are about £50,000 above my initial budget. With the next new lockdown I will keep looking but I doubt that there will be much action in the housing market.

Exciting times are ahead and possibly a few sleepless nights too. Billie Bump is being induced in two weeks. The moses basket is ready for her arrival and "Bump bear" is keeping it warm in the interim. Danielle needed nighties and a dressing gown for hospital. It only took her week to decide what sort of dressing gown she wanted. For me, it was a very long week indeed. 

She liked mine - a marks and sparks cotton towelling one - but - I owned one like that so she wanted something else. I steered her away from man-made polyester ones which narrowed the field but getting Danielle to make a decision is like trying to pin jelly to a wall. To the relief of all who know her, she has  chosen a lavender towelling one and very nice it is too.

Marmite, the start of my New Year here in the UK has been uneventful really. I pine for times when I can meet up with friends again and I feel a pang of envy when friends in Australia, NZ and Singapore are leading "normal" lives. Until at least the middle of February I have no tennis, no swimming and no plans. I need a hug.

Miss you, my lovely old man.



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