Saturday, May 1, 2021

A week of treats

 Dear Marmite

I have almost had a social life this week. I have felt almost busy. Monday was coffee with a friend.  I  then went over to Stevenage on Tuesday to meet up with three friends with very short names.  It was the anniversary of Mike's death and so we visited the place where his ashes are. Ann had an oak tree planted to mark the spot plus a little stone which will eventually nestle in the roots of the growing tree. I really like the idea that a tree becomes a lasting memory of someone's life. 

Our trip to the Crem was followed by an al fresco lunch - all eating is outside here in the UK. There was no mention of holly bushes though until I returned home. The memory of a particular holly bush in Ann's garden has haunted me for many years since I once fell into it. Should my memory fade of the incident, I have no doubt that these friends will refresh it.

Later in the week I did a pub quiz in a marquee in arctic conditions. The pub is opposite the house I am buying so I thought it might be fun to see what was on offer. It was so cold that my fingers couldn't grip the pen properly and I swear the ink stopped flowing freely. I get a shiver running through me each time I think of it... mad dogs and Englishmen in extreme climates! Marms, your fur would have just about kept you warm, I reckon.

Friday, I popped down towards Rachel's place in Wiltshire and we met in a convenient pub half way between our two homes. Again we sat under a tent but this one sensibly had heaters and was well set up for COVID conditions. It was a very pleasant meal indeed, not to mention the company.

So those were the good bits. My nadir was a visit to my NHS physio on Monday. The previous appointment was 5 weeks before and back then he had looked at me from a distance, decided I had sciatica and gave me 40 minutes worth of exercises to do each day. These exercises actually made me worse rather than better. At one point I got a muscle spasm in the good side of my back. It was so bad I couldn't do any exercise at all.

The outcome of the second appointment wasn't much better. I was told off for doing the exercises I had originally been given. Apparently the illustrations were of people who could do the exercises so I should have known to adapt them - according to Mr Dickhead. By implication I am a person who cannot do exercises properly.

I am now seeing a very sensible, intelligent sports therapist who has given me exercises I feel will benefit me. All this and swimming will turn me into super-woman I hope. Watch out, I'll be popping over to Singapore and dragging you through jungle again one day.

While all this gadding about has filled my time, I have also found time to pay the deposit for my new place. There have been delays which my solicitor has blamed on the seller's solicitor and having finally got the estate agents to arrange a time so that I could measure up the new place, I got speaking to the seller, Sue. I found out that her solicitors are blaming mine for the delay. I just want to move. I am in the same boat as most people. I don't want to be messed around by incompetent people. I am not a patient person - you know that, Marms.

I have also bought a new sofa which will be delivered in three months' time. I hope that I will be in my new place by then. At least the sofa cost considerably less than Boris'. I did consider John Lewis' but apparently buying from there would put me in the same taste bracket as Theresa May. I certainly couldn't cope with that stigma. 

At least I intend to be in my home longer than Boris will be in number 10. All in all, my sofa will be better value all round. I will even be buying my own curtains. Again, unlike Boris who earns £150,000 from his day job and needs his friends to buy them for him. 

With that, I'll say ta ta..

Love you as always


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