Saturday, May 22, 2021

Before and After

 Dear Marmite

I am truly moved. I now live in a house with the auspicious number 8 and it is HOME. It is my pied de terre and a little bijou to boot. There is even a balcony where you could watch doggy TV. Getting from there on November 14th to here has been a little traumatic but made easier with the help of friends. I couldn't have done it alone and although I say it myself. Thank you, friends.

I really do think the furniture goes well in its new surroundings. Even the boxes add a little Je ne sais pas. I will have to wait til July 19th for my sofa and I am also in desperate need of curtains too. I  promise I won't be dancing naked around the bedroom until they are up in deference to the neighbours who all seem very nice indeed. One should never aim to lower the tone of the neighbourhood too quickly!

I have a friend who is currently in quarrantine in a five star hotel in KL. He returned from the UK and under Malaysia rules must stay in this room for 14 days. He told me he is doing an exercise programme from Youtube each day. This in itself is very commendable but he does it with no clothes on as his clothes have to last the duration of his imprisonment and he doesn't want to get them sweaty. ( no available pics). Let's hope there are suitable curtains! So that he doesn't self harm he is not given a knife to eat his food with. I just wonder if they have removed his shoe laces and razor as well to limit his options on that front. 

I finally got my hair cut last Thursday as well. The lady who did the deed told me that these days we can get away with the wild look. This was a reference to my hair prior to being tamed. I feel there was a guarded politeness about the description. Previously it had been attacked by both Nasser and Danielle. This had been much the case for the past year so I deserved a bit of pampering. At least I don't think about putting a hat on before leaving home now.

I have house guests. When I shampooed the carpets, loads of earwigs crawled out from between the skirting boards and the edge of the carpet - literally loads!! I don't like them but I am calmer about them than I was with the rats that moved in to my Singapore home while I was away in Cambodia. At least I won't be buying special sausages to ensure the demise of these little creatures. I can laugh about those rodent house guests now but at the time I was in uber panic mode. I know you weren't too worried about them, Marms. But then, you were never too worried about anything. 

So there you have it. My life has moved on to a new stage. This may not be my forever home but it is good enough for now. I have a nice guest room downstairs. The bed has been reconstructed without reference to the original instructions by me. I can't guarantee its safety but it doesn't wobble too much and I used all the screws available.  I was also creative about my choice of tools. So anyone who visits must take their chance! 

If only you could be here my lovely old man. Miss you as always



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