Monday, May 17, 2021

The Curate's Egg

 Dear Marmite

This describes my weekend. It was good in parts but I fully expected to have spent it in my new house. My bank, however, had other ideas. They noticed unusual activity on my account and blocked the transfer of money for the house so I couldn't complete on the purchase. 

I know many children rely on Bank of MumandDad these days. I have to say a big thank you to my children for lending me money to move things along. I have big debts to Bank of Kids. All this was necessary because of those bankers whose names start with a big, big "W". I should have trained you, Marms to bite their ankles. Shadow would!

This in effect left me homeless - or should I say - I would have been homeless if I wasn't living with Danielle and Richard. I have slept on the floor for three nights and actually done very little. I had so much planned this setback threw me completely.

Danielle and I popped down to IKEA to stand in a very, very long queue Saturday afternoon. She needs things for the house to fill the space with things I am taking. It wasn't a nice retail experience being in the one place that half of Milton Keynes chose to visit at the same time. I have ordered my sofa - not from IKEA, and a dining room table - again not from IKEA. This was done painlessly online. In time I'll need odds and bods to make the place comfortable but for now, IKEA will be given a very wide berth.

Today my car is still packed and ready to go. My stuff is out of the cupboards and liberally spread around the house and I am twiddling my thumbs awaiting a call to say that the money has landed in my solicitor's bank account. None of this is good for my well-being but for the moment I am telling myself that this is something I have no control over. 

Something I have done is get a letter published in The Guardian Newspaper today. I read Matthew Rycroft's totally unrealistic perspective of the smooth running of the Home Office - an organisation he is in charge of and so should have been more aware of his and their shortcommings. I was not the only one driven to fury by his words. There are lots of letters refuting the ability of the home Office to do anything but create mayhem and misery.

Despite the miserable weather there has been some monents of cheer. Nasser has permission to work. He was granted this on 28th April but the Home Office didn't get round to informing him of this. It took a bit of nagging the local MP - a Con - to find this out. Thank you Mr Ben Everitt.

Already there are job offers on the table so for the family, life is definitely looking rosy. Things have moved a long way in one COVID year. I have a home - almost, and Nasser has a job - almost. 

So Marms, wish me luck - I might be sleeping in a bed tonight! 

Wish you were here.



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