Tuesday, May 11, 2021


 Dear Marmite

There are some things that have not faired well through the pandemic. Marmite is one of them. Marmite fans have called this crisis Marmageddon. Can you imagine my life without Marmite? - both you and the spread. Sammi named you because you are the same colour as the spread and you really have been a dog that draws polar reactions just like your namesake. I have always loved Marmite - I had it on soldiers when I was little. I gave it to my children. I even travelled with it in my suitcase. I have always loved you and still do.

At least the news explains  why Tesco shelves are devoid of the stuff. Apparently, less beer is being brewed through these COVID times so there is less magical gunge from the beer brewing  to make the Marmite. Devastating, to say the least! My plead is for Brits to drink more beer.

My bike is now in the repair shop for a service. It is its birthday today. Three years ago I literally hopped into Bukit Merah Treknolgy shop on crutches to try out some bikes. I said I wanted one with "go-faster" stripes.  Since that happy day, May 11th, 2018 I have cycled well over 3000 miles, fallen off a few times, got knocked off once and cycled through every weather imaginable; so it does deserve a bit of TLC from a professional. 

My bike is with Cycle Saviours which is a community endeavour. The Trek shop guys in Cuscaden Road were marvelous  - they remembered me because they said no one had ever bought a bike when they couldn't walk without crutches. They willingly sorted out little teething glitches but now I am too far away to just pop in. Cycle Saviours in MK was recommended to me and I like the idea that it is supporting people in the community and promoting cycling in the area. 

Probably my knees could do with a bit of TLC after cycling all that way. If only I could get a service and replacement parts for them too. I am sorting out my belongings in readiness for the BIG move on Friday. This means I trudge up and down stairs what seems like fifty times a day pulling stuff out of cupboards that first got bunged in when my container arrived. All this moving house takes a toll on the old joints too. It is surprising how much of the stuff I thought would be essential from Singapore hasn't seen the light of day for 15 months. 

I went to another fairly exclusive music gig last Sunday. Potentially a wonderful evening dampened by a cloudburst. The music had not been going for more than ten minutes when the heavens opened. Picnickers gave up trying to be jovial while quaffing in the rain and ran for cover. I truly believe that only the British would endure al fresco eating under such conditions. There is a skill to balancing a plate and a glass in one hand while holding an umbrella to stop the wine being diluted in the other and managing to eat as well. It was the sort of weather that you flatly refuse to go out in, Marms. 

So beyond Marmageddon, some things are looking up - my bike will be super duper fast once more, I will soon be in MY home and hopefully there will be a British summer to enjoy as well. 

If only you could visit me and share my little joys.

Love you


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