Sunday, January 30, 2022

Gong Xi Fa Cai

 Dear Marmite

It is upon us. The Year of the Tiger is just around the corner. Gong Xi Fa Cai  -  my lovely old man. May you have all the blessings of the New Year Celebrations and none of the nervous twitches brought on by the Lion Dancers and their noise.

Over here people don't even know this celebration is happening. Danielle and I went to an Oriental Shop to stock up on things for New Year. This place is tucked round the back of an industrial estate, not far from where we live. We wanted to make a proper CNY so our plan was to buy New Year goodies. There weren't many - just a few decorations all marked up at exhorbitant prices. Stunned by the prices, I bought some noodles for £4.60!! That is some price hike.

I am pleased that the philosophies of Vimes have become a UK measure economic hardship. I have had an enduring love affair with Terry Pratchett and he deserves the limelight. Prices go up every week. Shops are still short of stuff - different stuff - one time it is frozen veg another time coffee. Cardboard boots are also thin on the ground! Daily life is tough and we are in a mess while Spineless, Boneless Boris is spending all his energy saving his neck - and to what end? I despair.

My village had a short power cut last Thursday at 5:30pm. Nothing remarkable really. I had to reset the internet, link my devices again and check the mains switch. Everything seemed normal so I continued to cook a meal for my quiz friends before we set out for the local pub where they have a monthly quiz. This brings me to a joke I saw on Instagram. To get to my local pub it is just 5 minutes walk. On the way back it takes 45 minutes. The difference is staggering!! Ha ha...

I digress. I got home well within the 45 minutes and went to bed. I didn't realise the house was getting colder. I got up early and had a shower. The water didn't get warm. In fact, I checked the boiler and the temperature of the water was  just 6c. Eeeek - it was refreshing! Even this didn't ring any alarm bells. 

I went off to play tennis and eventually got back rather late in the afternoon. The house was really getting a bit chillier still. By Saturday morning I realised that the heating was not working. My neighbour confirmed my suspiscions - there was no water being pumped into the system. This week I am after a plumber / heating engineer. I bet that will cost!

So meanwhile, I am wrapping up warm and feeling a bit sorry for myself. Not too worry though Margy came round to share my miseries and we did a murder mystery at the local pub. We were a table of neighbours and I feel that Margy, reincarnated as Essex girl stole the show. It was revealed that I was the murderer. I didn't think I had it in me. It was a lovely evening and I was more than warm in the cosy village pub.

Today I am off to the nether regions of Buckinghamshire to play a tennis match. Another opportunity too try and warm up! I really need a big hug from you, Marms - that was the advice an energy provider shared with its customers. It said, "Cuddle your pet to keep warm"... not so silly I reckon.

Love you


Monday, January 24, 2022

It all turned out rather badly

 Dear Marmite

As you well know the weather over here is not half as nice as the weather you have in Singapore. It is winter. It is damp most of the time and it is cold. However, you don't realise how cold until you end up stuck outside for far too long without adequate clothing. 

Such was the case last Friday. It is an entirely forgettable day and with time I will manage that - particularly when the nightmares cease. I set off through country roads to play tennis. I had the balls for everyone in my car and I didn't have a care in the world. My car hit a pothole or something and the front nearside tyre went down rather quickly. I daren't move it too far so I was stuck on a narrow road just past a bend. 

I can change tyres. I have even pumped gunk in one before to keep it inflated so with a little huffing and puffing I got the necessary stuff out of the boot and read the instructions at least three times before setting about getting the tyre pumped. Plan A was to fix the car, play tennis and then pop to the garage. 

A very nice man stopped and helped me get the gunk container fixed to the wheel. Nothing happened. The tyre remained stubbornly flat. The man fiddled with the valve and then left and I phoned the AA. By this time my fingers were numb and actually dialing a number wasn't straightforward.

The AA told me it was an hour and a half wait. It felt like the man on the other end of the phone was going to fill that time with safety instructions and all the things the AA couldn't do for me.  An hour and a half isn't that bad. I could do that. I got in the car and wrapped the dog blanket round me, felt stoic, held my phone and huddled up. I didn't dare use the phone or turn the car on in case it the battery went flat. I then got a call from the AA to say it would be nearer a four-hour wait. I hit a bit of a despond but still thought I could get through it. Stoicism would prevail!!

I got colder and colder. I put the blanket over my head and breathed into it to warm the air around me up. That helped a little but being a loose-weave cotton bed cover, it wasn't much use. A lady in a blue VW stopped and asked if I was OK. I automatically did what everyone over here does. I said I was fine. I wasn't!.

After two hours I called Nasser and asked if he could get my polar sleeping bag out of my wardrobe and drop it off. He didn't. He did even better. He truly was my knight in shining armour. He picked me up and took me to his place and fed and watered me. What a lovely warm home it is too. Even then I was shivering a little. The AA man called while we were eating to say he would be 20 minutes so the wonderful Nasser got me back to my car - hot coffee in hand in readiness for Mr AA Man.

The lovely lady in the blue VW came past again just at that time and waved a flask of coffee out of the window for me. She had obviously made a special trip to help me. I was quite choked by her kindness. I don't know who she is or where she lives so I'll send a  big THANK YOU here. Aren't people lovely?

So. as planned,  nice AA man gets me to the garage. My car is a Toyota and the garage is Toyota but they didn't have my type of tyre. Another long wait.... I did get my car valeted for free  - small plus. Finally getting home seven hours later I felt I deserved a wine.

Generally I don't drink without company but last Friday I had a rather nice Shiraz with my dinner then watched Anne on ITV - cried my way through the story (Hillsborough) and chatted to a friend now staying in Bulgaria. The whole bottle disappeared...eek. I really don't know how that happened. Note to self. Keep the bottle in the kitchen and not on the table in future. 

Life is much better today. It is a Monday, a new week and CNY is just around the corner. For you, Marms the Lion Dancers will be clanging and a banging. Another thing I miss.. Today, Danielle and I are off in search of a Lo Hei. I have even got a haggis, neeps and tatties for tomorrow and I hope Youtube will provide the pipers!

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

What a difference a day makes

 Dear Marmite

I am writing from home as I am now safely back from my adventures. They haven't been big ones but they were good and I am still smiling with happy memories. I told you in my last letter that my planned trip to St Andrews was curtailed because my friend, Ann was ill. Well, I set off alone in my car and did the 500 mile trip with no passengers. 

I packed the car with stuff left at my place over Christmas and then stopped off to pick up other stuff left in my ex's. Somehow, my family seem to be unable to pack properly! After that it was onwards and upwards to Sheffield - a place I had last visited when I was 6 months pregnant with Sammi. I have to say from my brief visit and trip round a local park how beautiful it is as a city. I stayed with Anita and of course we had a few glasses and a very funny game of Articulate. The Singapore connection lives on. Cheers!!!

After that the remaining part of the drive was daunting. It just seemed to go on for ever. As a southerner, I always imagine the industrial cities like Sheffield to be so much further north than they really are. So when I set off in the morning I felt Scotland was going to be a shorter hop from Sheffield. It wasn't. I got there. I felt whacked. I had planned to get in my car and drive back after just one day and two sleeps in St Andrews. I knew I couldn't do it. My plans needed tweaking.

I also didn't want to do 500 miles in one day. I don't actually think I could it without a passenger. I had a light bulb moment! I stopped off at my cousin's in Wales and that was a wonderful catch up. Whatsapp chats and face time pale in comparison. It made me want to see everyone I know over here. I think we should all have a week long party. What do you think, Marms? You'd be invited.

St Andrews is always lovely. It is such a small city. I made myself busy. I walked Lucky all the way  along the front to West Sands where the golf course is and then met up with Sammi at lunch time. Lucky slept well after that. The following day we all went for a walk through a forest in Falkirk. The boys came too. Reef did a spectacular drop off a rope swing over a stream and landed in the water. We laughed. He cried. It wasn't funny really.  The water was icy cold for starters and he landed with a bump. Being a tough kid he pulled through and we made our way to a waterfall. 

The cafe in the area - The Pillars of Hercules - does the most wonderful curry pasties - not quite curry puffs - even better. They kept us all going! Lucky slept well after his second trek of the weekend. Before setting off home I even considered a dip in the sea with Laura - I didn't get beyond considering it though. See what you missed, Marms! Remember our little jaunts?

So now I am back, the holiday washing is done and I listen to the radio and despair of the politics. Our PM - self-named Big Dog - is now well and truly in the dog house. Life is more or less normal once more and I can't remember what day it is. I spent Tuesday thinking it was Monday and missed my trip to the Orchard - and that is what retirement is I suppose - a string of connecting weekends. At least I know that today is Ezra-Mae's first birthday. Yay!!

So Marms, as I say bye bye, I will get myself ready for today's dip in the pool. I'll count my days in swims and continue to despair of the way this country is run.

Love you


Monday, January 10, 2022

Christmas is a distant memory now!

 Dear Marmite

Christmas is a distant memory and over here life is mundane once more. The weather is grotty most of the time. There is a permanent dampness in the air and when I cycle I come home covered in mud from the puddles. I did have a big joy to look forward to though. This was a holiday planned with an old friend - a round trip of England and Scotland, taking in a few cultural bits and visiting friends. 

Last weekend she got COVID so our best laid plans have gone up in smoke. That sounds rather dramatic - perhaps I should say that they have been delayed until March. Over here the death toll has passed 150,000 and the infection rate is about 200,000 a day. So in some ways it is hardly surprising that our lives are so disrupted.  The papers are discussing another government flipflop - mass vaccinations are soon to be old hat and we are going to have to live with this virus in its evolving forms. No more pandemic. This is endemic. This new approach comes when we have higher infection rates than at any time previously. Nuff said!

Despite the change in travel plans, I am going to visit Sammi in St Andrews - 500 miles north. The whole family were down, staying with me over Christmas and part of my decision to travel has been to return all the stuff too numerous to mention to the rightful owners. Lucky is minus a dog bowl but that wasn't his fault -  for starters! 

Marms, I have been punched regularly by Lucky all through his stay with me. He demands attention in just the same way you did. I got so many hearty nudges from his nose I automatically started to stroke him when he dug me. It was a bit like having you around. He had loads of walks with Shadow, which you would not have liked, and then needed hosing down because of the mud. He wasn't too pleased with the cold water wash and rub down. At least the water was warmer when I did it to you! 

The swimming pool is back on my exercise regime now that I am COVID free. I did a few lengths the other day and saw all the familiar faces. My intention was to go today but I have a sore troat and catarrh today so I'll go out on my bike for an hour and a half instead and get myself plastered! Yesterday I played tennis in glorious sunshine and near zero conditions. Life really isn't the same over here and I miss not having to dress up in layers just to go outdoors. 

That is what I am off to do.... layer up and leap on my bike for a ride along the country roads. 

Sending you all my love


Saturday, January 1, 2022

All the Best for a Happy New Year

 Dear Marmite

Happy New Year!! Maybe this will be the year that we finally get to meet up again but with the way things are, I doubt it. Cases of infection are going through the roof in the UK and I am now officially a statistic. Our Christmas was modified somewhat by Danielle the Super-spreader blessing everyone with COVID and then having the gall to blame Ezra-Mae. Sammi rightly pointed out that at under the age of one, this little one doesn't actually have a social life beyond where she goes with her Mum. So with that rather sustainable logic, Ezra-Mae must also have been the recipient of Danielle's germs. On this, Danielle doesn't have a leg to stand on!

Danielle had a booster on the 23rd. She was sensible. I truly believe that it was the booster that gave her COVID and unfortunately she is the one to have suffered the most. The rest of us have the merest sniffles but we have all tested positive. This is possibly my third bout if I count feeling really shitty in Bologna in January 2020. If I had these symptoms and skipped work in the state I am in, people would have called me out for being a lazykins in the not too distant past. Oh how the world has changed!

So, while being full of Christmas pud and COIVD, Sammi set to trimming the tree in my garden. I cut the branches up on the ground and neither of us were too worse for wear for doing this. My nextdoor neighbour suggested I buy a plot of land and when I get COIVD next time, I should start to build my own place - now there's a thought!

This is the time for thinking, mulling over the past and making wishes for the future while inventing new ways to serve up leftovers. As no-one has been able to go shopping there has been no opportunity to add a little je ne sais quoi to the fayre. Luckily, I have a freezer full of frozen veg, a fairly well-stocked spice cupboard and rice and pasta. I think I can keep going well into January despite needing to feed my hungry son. This might not be Michelin star stuff, but there is food on the table. 

So in times of COVID, we have regularly met up with Richard, Danielle and Ezra-Mae as the COVID Coven; taken muddy walks through the countryside; and played very silly games at home at ALL times of the day and night. Last night we watched Crazy Rich Asians  - a bit of nostalgia for us - then saw the New Year in with a glass of bubbly and a round of Canasta which lasted til nearly 2. It is not nice having COVID blight all our lives but for our family, we have managed to laugh our way through it as we have been forced to stay together under one roof.

Ezra-Mae plays Pictionary

Covid has curbed our activities, the tree lights after a fourth and successful attempt at  going up have died and are now in a bag awaiting recycling, the house is a pleasant muddle, the outside temperatures have broken new highs and I am smiling my way through to an even happier, joyful New Year. I am just missing swimming and tennis. 

Wishing you good health, joy and prosperity, Marms and Rita. 

Especially big hugs