Saturday, January 1, 2022

All the Best for a Happy New Year

 Dear Marmite

Happy New Year!! Maybe this will be the year that we finally get to meet up again but with the way things are, I doubt it. Cases of infection are going through the roof in the UK and I am now officially a statistic. Our Christmas was modified somewhat by Danielle the Super-spreader blessing everyone with COVID and then having the gall to blame Ezra-Mae. Sammi rightly pointed out that at under the age of one, this little one doesn't actually have a social life beyond where she goes with her Mum. So with that rather sustainable logic, Ezra-Mae must also have been the recipient of Danielle's germs. On this, Danielle doesn't have a leg to stand on!

Danielle had a booster on the 23rd. She was sensible. I truly believe that it was the booster that gave her COVID and unfortunately she is the one to have suffered the most. The rest of us have the merest sniffles but we have all tested positive. This is possibly my third bout if I count feeling really shitty in Bologna in January 2020. If I had these symptoms and skipped work in the state I am in, people would have called me out for being a lazykins in the not too distant past. Oh how the world has changed!

So, while being full of Christmas pud and COIVD, Sammi set to trimming the tree in my garden. I cut the branches up on the ground and neither of us were too worse for wear for doing this. My nextdoor neighbour suggested I buy a plot of land and when I get COIVD next time, I should start to build my own place - now there's a thought!

This is the time for thinking, mulling over the past and making wishes for the future while inventing new ways to serve up leftovers. As no-one has been able to go shopping there has been no opportunity to add a little je ne sais quoi to the fayre. Luckily, I have a freezer full of frozen veg, a fairly well-stocked spice cupboard and rice and pasta. I think I can keep going well into January despite needing to feed my hungry son. This might not be Michelin star stuff, but there is food on the table. 

So in times of COVID, we have regularly met up with Richard, Danielle and Ezra-Mae as the COVID Coven; taken muddy walks through the countryside; and played very silly games at home at ALL times of the day and night. Last night we watched Crazy Rich Asians  - a bit of nostalgia for us - then saw the New Year in with a glass of bubbly and a round of Canasta which lasted til nearly 2. It is not nice having COVID blight all our lives but for our family, we have managed to laugh our way through it as we have been forced to stay together under one roof.

Ezra-Mae plays Pictionary

Covid has curbed our activities, the tree lights after a fourth and successful attempt at  going up have died and are now in a bag awaiting recycling, the house is a pleasant muddle, the outside temperatures have broken new highs and I am smiling my way through to an even happier, joyful New Year. I am just missing swimming and tennis. 

Wishing you good health, joy and prosperity, Marms and Rita. 

Especially big hugs


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