Monday, January 10, 2022

Christmas is a distant memory now!

 Dear Marmite

Christmas is a distant memory and over here life is mundane once more. The weather is grotty most of the time. There is a permanent dampness in the air and when I cycle I come home covered in mud from the puddles. I did have a big joy to look forward to though. This was a holiday planned with an old friend - a round trip of England and Scotland, taking in a few cultural bits and visiting friends. 

Last weekend she got COVID so our best laid plans have gone up in smoke. That sounds rather dramatic - perhaps I should say that they have been delayed until March. Over here the death toll has passed 150,000 and the infection rate is about 200,000 a day. So in some ways it is hardly surprising that our lives are so disrupted.  The papers are discussing another government flipflop - mass vaccinations are soon to be old hat and we are going to have to live with this virus in its evolving forms. No more pandemic. This is endemic. This new approach comes when we have higher infection rates than at any time previously. Nuff said!

Despite the change in travel plans, I am going to visit Sammi in St Andrews - 500 miles north. The whole family were down, staying with me over Christmas and part of my decision to travel has been to return all the stuff too numerous to mention to the rightful owners. Lucky is minus a dog bowl but that wasn't his fault -  for starters! 

Marms, I have been punched regularly by Lucky all through his stay with me. He demands attention in just the same way you did. I got so many hearty nudges from his nose I automatically started to stroke him when he dug me. It was a bit like having you around. He had loads of walks with Shadow, which you would not have liked, and then needed hosing down because of the mud. He wasn't too pleased with the cold water wash and rub down. At least the water was warmer when I did it to you! 

The swimming pool is back on my exercise regime now that I am COVID free. I did a few lengths the other day and saw all the familiar faces. My intention was to go today but I have a sore troat and catarrh today so I'll go out on my bike for an hour and a half instead and get myself plastered! Yesterday I played tennis in glorious sunshine and near zero conditions. Life really isn't the same over here and I miss not having to dress up in layers just to go outdoors. 

That is what I am off to do.... layer up and leap on my bike for a ride along the country roads. 

Sending you all my love


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