Wednesday, January 19, 2022

What a difference a day makes

 Dear Marmite

I am writing from home as I am now safely back from my adventures. They haven't been big ones but they were good and I am still smiling with happy memories. I told you in my last letter that my planned trip to St Andrews was curtailed because my friend, Ann was ill. Well, I set off alone in my car and did the 500 mile trip with no passengers. 

I packed the car with stuff left at my place over Christmas and then stopped off to pick up other stuff left in my ex's. Somehow, my family seem to be unable to pack properly! After that it was onwards and upwards to Sheffield - a place I had last visited when I was 6 months pregnant with Sammi. I have to say from my brief visit and trip round a local park how beautiful it is as a city. I stayed with Anita and of course we had a few glasses and a very funny game of Articulate. The Singapore connection lives on. Cheers!!!

After that the remaining part of the drive was daunting. It just seemed to go on for ever. As a southerner, I always imagine the industrial cities like Sheffield to be so much further north than they really are. So when I set off in the morning I felt Scotland was going to be a shorter hop from Sheffield. It wasn't. I got there. I felt whacked. I had planned to get in my car and drive back after just one day and two sleeps in St Andrews. I knew I couldn't do it. My plans needed tweaking.

I also didn't want to do 500 miles in one day. I don't actually think I could it without a passenger. I had a light bulb moment! I stopped off at my cousin's in Wales and that was a wonderful catch up. Whatsapp chats and face time pale in comparison. It made me want to see everyone I know over here. I think we should all have a week long party. What do you think, Marms? You'd be invited.

St Andrews is always lovely. It is such a small city. I made myself busy. I walked Lucky all the way  along the front to West Sands where the golf course is and then met up with Sammi at lunch time. Lucky slept well after that. The following day we all went for a walk through a forest in Falkirk. The boys came too. Reef did a spectacular drop off a rope swing over a stream and landed in the water. We laughed. He cried. It wasn't funny really.  The water was icy cold for starters and he landed with a bump. Being a tough kid he pulled through and we made our way to a waterfall. 

The cafe in the area - The Pillars of Hercules - does the most wonderful curry pasties - not quite curry puffs - even better. They kept us all going! Lucky slept well after his second trek of the weekend. Before setting off home I even considered a dip in the sea with Laura - I didn't get beyond considering it though. See what you missed, Marms! Remember our little jaunts?

So now I am back, the holiday washing is done and I listen to the radio and despair of the politics. Our PM - self-named Big Dog - is now well and truly in the dog house. Life is more or less normal once more and I can't remember what day it is. I spent Tuesday thinking it was Monday and missed my trip to the Orchard - and that is what retirement is I suppose - a string of connecting weekends. At least I know that today is Ezra-Mae's first birthday. Yay!!

So Marms, as I say bye bye, I will get myself ready for today's dip in the pool. I'll count my days in swims and continue to despair of the way this country is run.

Love you


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