Thursday, December 8, 2022

Happy Birthday, Marmite

 Dear Marmite

This was in a window in Sophia
Happy Birthday, Marms

Amazing!! you have reached another milestone and you are still going. I have my theories as to why you are here to celebrate. I think when you went to live with Rita you realised you were already in heaven... No more long walks through the jungle for starters. Life clearly made a big turn for the better on so many fronts for you. I congratulate you on being so old! 

You were born in 2006 and came to live with us in 2007. The SPCA didn't know when you were born so I gave you my father's birthday - 9th December. He would have been 99 years old if he was still around. In doggy years you have outlasted him.

You might have heard how Britain is freezing - literally freezing. Temperatures are now in the minus zone. Where I live is a frosty hollow and I have noticed consistently that the temperature guage in my posh car always rises by one or two degrees by the time I get to the big roundabout. So you can imagine how thankful I have been that I invested in a VERY warm coat a few weeks ago. I am going to get out my ski trousers just to make sure everything is covered!

I went walking around Stowe Gardens yesterday. This is something I had been meaning to do for a long time. There is a folly or a monument at every twist and turn. My favourite was a shrine to the British Worthies - three monarchs, a couple of explorers, an architect, a writer, a couple of scientists. I expect you can guess who they are mostly.  This and lots of other wonderful classical edifices are set in the landscaped gardens designed by Capability Brown. 

The National Trust are repairing bits and pieces. Currently under repair is a temple to the modern virtures which sits next to a domed temple to the ancient virtures. I would love to know which virtures slipped out of popularity between building these structures. 

It was just a bit too nippy to take lots of pictures. It meant I had to take my gloves off and stand still. In the background was the vroom and roar of cars going round Silerstone race track on a Wednesday morning!

Anyway, I wrote this especially to wish you all the best on your big day.. Enjoy it. 

Sending you extra big hugs.

Love you


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