Tuesday, December 13, 2022

'Tis the Season to be Jolly

 Dear Marmite

We are heading for Christmas and there are just a few more sleeps to go. I am as excited as a child - I always am. I love the whole thing of cooking the turkey, having family around and playing games. I started my season of joy with games at the tennis club last Sunday. When Nasser and I arrived it was like an ice rink on court so we just stood on the spot and hit the ball to each other. Then others turned up and joined in... standing still tennis evolved....

We ended up with a 3 v 4 match so we had the court covered. The rules were flexible and we laughed - oh, how we laughed. After two hours in sub zero temperatures we topped off the morning with mulled wine and mince pies. The real creative part of the day was the combined cleverness of the club having  a Christmas tree decked with "decorated" tennis balls! Even the Grinch was enjoying himself!

On the home front a Naughty Elf has come to stay. Ezra-Mae knows not to wake him up. I have told her he will do naughty things if is awake. I have told her to "Shhhush" and put my finger to my lips when she gets near him. She copies me but sticks her finger on her forehead and gives the loudest "Shhhush" ever so as NOT to wake him up. He seems to find a new resting place each day so he keeps me on my toes.

Outside, everywhere I turn, it looks like a chocolate box scene. On my walk this morning, the canal was totally frozen but the river was still flowing. Provided I stayed upright and tramping across the fields, all was well. I didn't have to worry about slushy mud. The roads which haven't been gritted were a bit more of a challenge. 

Yesterday as I turned into my little road, I skidded and very nearly hit the wall on the bend - eeeek! It just shows how how easy it is to lose control. For the time being, I am not venturing out on my bike. 

I put a Christmas History Quiz together for a friend's party. I learnt a lot along the way. It really was the Victorians who "invented" our Christmas but most of our traditions are actually pre-history and Pagan. Jesus was squeezed into the party around the fourth Century AD when Pope Julius l sold the idea of the Feast of the Nativity to all those Pagans. So when you are eating, drinking and generally being merry - that is what you are meant to be doing - that is what we have been doing in the middle of winter for millenia...

So I raise a cup to you and send you my love.. 

Party Marms like it is going out of fashion. 

Love You


1 comment:

  1. Hi from Melbourne where it is cold and windy and rainy 🥶😎🙄
