Thursday, December 22, 2022

Merry Christmas or something close to it!

 Dear Marmite,

Yesterday was the shortest day and now we have longer days to look forward to from now on. That is one thing for certain! Other things are less certain. For a really long time the weather was well into the minuses and now it has risen to a heady 12c. It is permanently wet now and drizzley. Yuk! I heard how your fellow Singaporeans have been whinging about the temperatures dropping to 24c. Just tell them that is barmy summer heat over here.

I have to admit my childhood excitement for crunchy snow under foot and my grandaughter loved the snow too. She is now very sad her snowman has gone. Even Shadow loves the snow. I can't stay sad for long though. There are lots more exciting things to look forward to. I have the turkey and today I am making the stuffing. I just love cooking the traditional dinner. This year Richard is doing the trimmings and we have the hordes descending on Christmas Day. There will be two tables side by side so we can all sit round but I don't think it will turn into THAT Christmas!! 

I met up with Rachel, Diane and Jeremy last weekend. It truly was a Dairy Farm reunion. Rachel lives over two hours away so it was a very special get together. Lovely food, even nicer company - Claude - that little creature on the other end of the doggie spectrum -  was pleased to see us! I am sure you must remember him flirting with danger trying to sniff your bottom just when you were about to sit on him. 

I took my Christmas quiz down. I did a bit of research to put the History of Christmas quiz and now realise how much of our celebrations is not in the least related to Christianity. So when eat, drink and get merry, you are bringing out the pagan part of you. Pope Julius l decided that the Feast of the Nativity would piggyback a Roman festival of Saturnalia which involved 6 days of debauchery where rules were thrownout of the window and it seems nothing was off limits. He did this to sell the new religion to the masses. Nowadays, I feel we are much more reserved - even when you take THAT Christmas into consideration - including the mislaid specs!!!

The image for this blog is full of things we have invented and thoroughly absorbed into our celebrations. Believe it or not Rudolph was part of an advertising campaign for a department store in the US in the 1930s, and Clement Clarke Moore was responsible for other frippery. This is all so fascinating I could go on at length but I won't.

Take care Marms and don't eat too much turkey. I am sending you extra-special hugs at the season.



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