Thursday, February 13, 2020

Moving forward, a little at a time

Dear Marmite

The last few days have been a whirlwind of activity here while a hurricane has been blowing outside. In fact the wind has blown so hard that the fence got knocked down so that is one more job to be sorted! Last night it rained so heavily it woke me up. I know what you would have done. You would have curled up in the shower to get away from any potential danger. I thought of you when the rain beat heavily on the windows.

Next Monday I am getting new windows and hopefully the kitchen will be sorted next week as well. Danielle and Richard brought some odds and ends from Stevenage and already the place is looking a bit more homely. I even have my tennis racquets and some clothes thanks to Mark who couriered them over from Singapore and mt me at Newport Pagnall Services. So in some ways things are getting better every day.

After a lovely day playing canasta and losing badly; having a pub meal in my local - a great little place right on the Grand Union Canal; I feel I have had a day off sorting duties. I even had my supper on a proper plate along with a glass of wine in a proper glass last night. Danielle bought me two plates and mugs as a welcome gift - God bless her. I sat on my sofa=cum-orange-suitcase and felt quite at home.

After the big disappointment of my container not being delivered last Monday, I expect it tomorrow now. That means I will have cupboards to put my stuff into and things to hang on the walls. Today I have three deliveries and my plans to dig over the garden are on hold as it is far too wet.

When the container does arrive and I am sorted I'll be exploring MK on my bike. It is a bike friendly city so barring me riding into stationary posts like my friend did the other day, I should not have to worry. November 2018. I was knocked off my bike on Upper Bukit Timah by a man in a van who hit me with his wing mirror. My experience of driving around has been a pleasant surprise. Everyone gives way to each other. This is a nice part of the culture.

The biggest surprise of the lot so far is getting an apology from Michael at Eon. Mr PC Plod is not expected to visit me now and my account will get sorted out. I have also applied for a Tesco credit card so that I can build up a credit history. The money side of things is turning out to be a bit of a problem. I expect it is the same for everybody who returns home after living abroad.

So today is a sorting-bits-out day...and today I get internet fingers crossed.

Hey ho.. off I go. Love you Marms

Hugs and kisses

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