Friday, February 7, 2020

Mr Flatpack has come into my life

Dear Marmite, pets, luvs and darlings

All it took was a trip to IKEA, loading the car with a double bed and getting it upstairs once I got home. I ripped the cardboard jacket off and there he was lying on my bedroom floor ready to be assembled. It took me well over an hour of sheer fun to turn the bits into a whole. I now have two beds. One is a mattress for the frame in my container and the frame is for a mattress I have ordered. Both a different sizes so in some ways it is a bit premature to get excited but for me, this is headway.
I did this

whoops, these bits got left over!

To Louai and Moe, I know I have moved on from Mr Flatpack to Mr Six-pack after our outing in KL I hope you remember the T-shirt? I certainly told Marmite all about it. The trouble is he is not available from IKEA, Milton Keynes, more's the pity.

All the radiators have now had a lick of paint on them and this morning I did the dormer window on the top floor bathroom. It looks good, even if I say so myself. The rest of the bathroom is still rather iffy. I have a sink that won't drain, a radiator with a wire dangling and a broken light fitting to sort. Nothing a bomb wouldn't rectify.

Mr Splodge, the "professional" painter, has left his mark is all sorts of unusual ways. At first I was really just annoyed but now I am having to do the stuff I paid him to do, I am definitely irked. I have started taking pictures of the  finer examples of his handywork. Only this morning, after getting out of the shower, did I scrape off the paint he had daubed on the mirror. All before getting dressed.

It has brought to mind how often we talked in Singapore about how much better workmanship is back in the UK. From my recent experience, I actually think the Singaporean handymen are a few rungs up the ladder compared to here. I have included evidence so you can judge for yourself.
Skirting board with nipples

primitive daub on lightbulb 

It was nice seeing pictures of you, Marms. You are certainly looking happy and content. Long may it last!

Off to paint...

Love you,


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