Monday, February 3, 2020

It never rains but it pours!

Dear Marmite

I woke up yesterday morning full of the joys of spring. The sun was shining and the birds were in full song. Life was looking up. I was particularly excited as Danielle was coming over later in the day for a sleepover - My first guest! I even had a Hong Bao ready (brown manila envelope so use your imagination here).

Despite the glorious sun it is decidely nippy still - about 8c so heating is a must. I padded around my place and had  moment of sheer inspiration. Danielle could not do as I had been doing and sleep on the carpet. I set off for IKEA with the express intention of buying a mattress topper, then getting her to pick me up on the way over from Stevenage and at least she would have a comfortable night.

I got to IKEA by bus so I had a scenic trip round Milton Keynes and its environs on the way. I was in no hurry so no problems so far. The store was crowded. I think that at least half the population of the city were fighting their way round the store. It was horrible - as bad as Singapore IKEA  -no worse - I didn't know my way around.

The man dealing with beds advised me to get a mattress and not a topper. He showed me how small these roll up. He convinced me that I could fit it in the little car that was to pick me up shortly. I couldn't just buy a mattress, I needed curtains, sheets and pillows. My basket was filling up even with restraint.

Anyway, time rolled on and Danielle didn't turn up. Her car had died somewhere near the M1 and she later found out that the head gasket had blown. The car  had died unceremoniously somewhere on her way to meet me. At this time my emotions ran between worry for her and annoyance that I was stuck. The former emotion took precedence. How could I be annoyed when my poor daughter was in the middle of nowhere.

So I was stuck at IKEA. I could have hired a van but the Toyota garage where I am buying my car has my driving licence evidence. That was not an option. I phoned for a taxi - they said there was a four hour wait. I had a brainwave. My plumber might know someone I could pay to deliver me and goods to home.
Multi-functional yellow bag that has travelled far and wide.

My plumber is a star. He got his friend to bring me home with my mattress and sundry goodies. So after five hours at IKEA - is this a record? I was met by a complete stranger who turned out to be my knight in shining armour. After struggling to squeeze the mattress into a much larger car than Danielle's, I was heading homeward. I could even laugh at that time, fighting with a roll of mattress that poseesed a life of its own, trying to find the best way to angle it into the back seat of a car was a bit comedic, I have to say.

I got through the front door to the tune of something I thought was rats. What could be worse? Well, in the living room there was a cascade of water pouring through the electric light. This is where my knight in shining armour came to the rescue. He turned all the water off, identified the leak and at least now I just have a pond in my living room and not a man-made water feature.
Pond feature on new carpet

abstract ceiling decor

Meanwhile, a near neighbour couldn't get their car parked because we were blocking the drive so I got to know someone through my adversity. That was a little positive. Now after a night with no heating and no water I await rescue. I popped next door at 7:30 this morning and asked for my kettle to be filled up and a rather perplexed teenage lad duly obliged - no questions asked!

Today, I am also hoping to hear from Mr Splodge, the decorator of limited talent. Among his skills demonstrated in doing my home before I got back, was the ability to paint lightbulbs, miss half the woodwork, daub radiators with the wrong paint, and splatter mirrors- a talent indeed. I can't wait to meet him.

I thought the tough part might be travelling. My biggest challenge really is this little house that I want to make my home for the short term. I know water features are very feng shui but I have in mind far easy ways to bring prosperity to my doorstep.

It literally poured. Marmite you would have had your bemused look. I can imagine it.

Not sure you would like the current situation. You are much better off where you are!

Miss you regardless.



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