Friday, March 13, 2020

A friend in need

Dear Marmite

I am so sorry that it has taken me such a long time to write to you again. You are always in my thoughts and the video call from you was lovely. I don't really have an excuse for not putting fingers to keyboard all week.
My girls 1993

I have to say in my defence that this is the first week I haven't had workmen around every day and also I haven't had to wait for parcel deliveries. This has meant freedom of sorts.

Sammi and the boys came down from St Andrews to visit at the weekend. We did lots of stuff. On Sunday we met up with Danielle and Richard at Bedford Oasis. This is a leisure pool with slides and a wave machine. We did this for my grandsons, though even in that environment we turned our swim into a competition as to who could go down the fast slide the quickest.

I plead old age. My fastest was 11.2 mph which looks rather pathetic against Sammi and Richard getting over 17. Not only did I concede defeat on the slide. I also had my nose rubbed in the dirt with canasta. I am losing my touch, Marms...


The mob

After saying goodbye to family, I travelled up to Lincolnshire on Monday to pick up a friend who is now staying with me. The net benefit of having friends to stay is that there are more hands to sort out the house so now most of the pictures are up as well. Despite having a toilet in the living room and a spare bath in one of the bedrooms, the place is shaping up nicely. I thoroughly recommend having a live-in handyman!

In the garden, the rotten fence was broken up and is ready to go to the dump when it dries out. The two trees I planted are sprouting leaves and it is time to plant some veggies in the frames I bought. The garden is a long way from looking cared for but I have made a start.

I have also been out on my bike and for all my friends who have accompanied me on cycle rides before - the answer is YES - I did go rather a long way and NO, I didn't think it was too far but my friend did... I know how familar this is. My only excuse is that I am genetically inclined to do this... it is a family trait. I can't help it.

Another benefit of not having workmen around is that I have popped over to Stevenage to visit friends. I lived in Stevenage before going to Singapore so it is a bit like home for me. I always associate my visits there with evenings of laughter. I wasn't disappointed. I am still smiling today. While I was there, Danielle gave me a photo album from 1993. I haven't seen these photos for 24 years... Wow  - nostalgia rules.

So as you can see Marms I am beginning to settle to a normal life in a house that has now taken shape and feels like home. I have also started looking for a long term home as well.

Even though you are not with me, there are things around the place that remind me of you. I'll never forget you, I promise.

Love you loads... still


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