Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Lockdown Day 2

Dear Marmite

I know that in Singapore you are in a safe place. If you were here with me you would be among the most desired as people with dogs have greater freedom to roam. Consider yourself an A-list celebrity and not only because you have been a male model for Amazon UK.

Yesterday morning I woke up to read the news in the Guardian that Boris had proclaimed a lockdown of sorts. We are allowed to visit shops for necessities, do one bit of exercise in the great outdoors each day but we must stay 2 metres apart and not gather in groups of more than 2.

My biggest disappointment with this new regime was that I have a puncture in my front tyre of my bike. I spent yesterday prevaricating - what to do? A completely working bike is essential to me but is it considered essential in Boris' book? Today I am looking online to get an inner tube and repair kit. I can't be without wheels for another 19 days even though I did manage to fall off on Sunday's little jaunt.

Yes Marms, another tumble. I was cycling up a steep path and ran out of gears to change down so I fell off onto the grass and rolled elegantly down the slope. No damage done - except to my pride. Perhaps a bit of training in martial arts will help with future tumbles. I have plently of time on my hands!!

Yesterday, after hearing the news things didn't really change my plans for the day - coffee and then more coffee -  but I did feel a need to timetable activities to keep myself active. So instead of rolling around the bedroom floor, I rolled around the living room floor to do my daily stretches. You used to help me with the stretches, Marmite. Remember how you took part of the yoga mat for your down dogs?

Having strectched, I had to pop to the shops - via a canal walk - to pick up essentials, namely more coffee... and then I did a bit of drawing in the afternoon. Yesterday I went for a walk to watch the sun go down before eating an evening meal. The day  got nicely filled.
An afternoon with an 4B and a sheet of paper

As I have a friend living with me for the short term, I have a games opponent. We have Chess, various strategy games and cards to keep us occupied. So far my chess skills have proved lacking... I wonder what the next 19 days will bring... watch this space.

Must go. I have so much to do... really I do

Love you loads and sending you socially- distanced hugs over the airwaves...



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