Monday, March 30, 2020

Itchy fingers

Dear Marmite

I was standing in an outside queue at Tescos in Wolverton; my local, and I thought to myself, it is time to blog. It sort of came over me so here it is. After I got home, I made a stew that would feed any army, peanut butter cookies to have with coffee, liver pate and a bran cake to keep me going in ever possible sense! So now it is time to put my fingers to the keyboard and send my good wishes over the airwaves.

Today started at -1c and it feels like it hasn't go much warmer through the day. Now there is intermittent rain and while I was standing outside with my trolley awaiting my time to shop it actually hailed. The wind was knife-cutting icy and the hail hit me at right-angles. Another disappointment with the world, I thought. Why did it have to do that to me when I am standing outside and with no escape.

Once inside Tescos, the atmosphere was calm but the shelves were mostly empty of important things.  There was no flour, no eggs, no alcohol free beer and no pasta. There were pizzas in the cold cabinet piled up to the ceiling and enough gin varieties to satisfy an expat! Pasta sauces lined the shelves but no canned tomatoes. Me thinks the shelf stocking isn't quite in line with needs - mine in particular.

The staff were especially upbeat and seemed to be coping with the reduced hours and limitations. Everyone looked happy-ish despite the situation. I was told that I could come on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 9 and 10am as a priority being a senior citizen. There are net benefits of being old!!

Today was day 8 of forced isolation. I did a workout suggested to me by a friend. So I huffed and puffed my way through sit-ups, squats, bottom wobbles and bouncy breasts for about thirty minutes. All quite fun and possibly entertaining should anyone care to be a voyeur. I survived and will look for something else tomorrow to ring the changes in my routine.

After that, I invented a new game of table tennis without a table but involving moving the furniture back. There is now a mark on the wall as a result of my enthusiasm for diving for the ball. I have now got the metal straws out of the drawer an I am working on developing a game of blow - ping pong using the coffee table. Watch this space!

Yesterday, my friend and I cycled to Castlethorpe which boasts being a settlement since 400BC. It was a really varied ride that included me getting lost and cycling down the side of a field because the GPS on Google lagged and gave me the right directions a little too late for me to stay on track.

So as you see, Marms, I am filling my time with constructive things. I despair about getting the bathrooms being sorted though. That project is on hold, as are my plans to get out and visit people and places. C'est la vie!
Passing more time

Loving you as always.. Keep sending me selfies!



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