Friday, May 22, 2020

Ad Infinitum for quite a long time...

Dear Marmite,

You are probably not the first to hear this but I am suffering. I recognise the symptoms because like everyone else these days I have time to look them up at length on google. I have "lockdown fatigue". I forget what day it is for starters. I put off til tomorrow what I could do in 5 minutes here and now and the most worrying symptom of all is that I get excited when there is something to do like visit Tescos.

Yesterday we went to a different Tescos because it is larger than the one in Wolverton. It has an upstairs! As you can imagine, I was chomping at the bit to go somewhere other than my usual hunting ground.

The rules have changed and couples can now shop together. We wandered along the isles mostly following the arrows, sometimes even realising that we had probably walked past what we were looking for. Panic - we couldn't just walk back - oh no! With arrows on the floor you need to take a meandering stroll avoiding fellow trolley pushers to get back to the aisle you need.

This is not my style of shopping. This type of shopping normally gives me apoplexy. I make a list. I go in a shop. I throw stuff in my trolley and leave at speed. If I can't find what I need I either substitute or forget about it. I don't even go to another shop.

Conusumerism is a political statement and what I consume gives me cultural currency! I learnt this from the futurelearn course I am doing. With this is mind, I had a small joy wondering what my choices said about me and what consumer category Mr. Tesco has put me in.

He will be in for a shock this week as I will need to go out to my local branch to buy another roast! I accidentally picked up a pork shoulder that looked good. IT said "Large" on the label and in my dream state, I took it for "lamb". This is now in my freezer for a time when pork-loving guests come to dinner! Joy of joys. I have something to look forward to -another trip to the supermarket. YAY!

As I have said before, I am doing an online course, political ideology and propaganda. I expect you are thinking these are pretty big words in themselves. Besides learning to spell them correctly, I have learnt loads. My last unit was about how our decor choices make a statement about who we are.

As I look around my magnolia-walled living room filled with furniture from Dairy Farm, it says to me this is not my permanent home. The furniture is too big for starters. I don't even have room for a diniing table. My stuff is a testament to my travels. Plus there are a few bits that don't fit in cupboards so it never looks totally tidy. I now know that I am also making a political statement. I would like that statement to be I am not a throw-away consumer.
View on Friday.. rubbish awaiting collection

View to could be any day

For now, I do know what day it is. The rubbish is on the verge outside awaiting collection. The washing machine is whirring quietly in the kitchen and Ramadan is nearly over! Despite my sufferings, I do have a partial grip on reality. I even have some plans for a future in mind so perhaps today I'll start lining my ducks up!
Skip has gone..along with the memory of seeing it every day.

Love you as always oh lovely dog.


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