Monday, May 18, 2020

I am working on being alert

Dear Marmite
Country idyll. St Nich's, Stevenage

I know that being chilled out is your modus operandi. Over here Big Bad Boris has asked everyone to be ALERT. I think this means that should I fall ill to the virus, it will be all my fault because I let my guard down.

To be honest, I am over this isolating lark and limiting my life to a very small range of activities. This week I have hit a slough of despond. I have started to make plans to travel and see other people from June onwards. If I thought this state were going to last beyond June, I would be preparing for total hibernation so I could wake up after all this was over.

Unfortunately, as part of my plans I won't be hopping on a plane to visit you in Singapore. That will probably remain a big NO NO for some time to come. So Marms, just keep those happy selfies coming. It is not like having you with me but it is nice to see you happy.

Adding to my unsettled mental state is my dodgy leg. If I had physio, I know I would be up for tennis now. You know the score - physios are not currently working. Instead, I am popping painkillers and hobbling around like an old dear. I haven't been out on the bike either. This is not like me.

Testament to how long this lockdown is going on is the frequency I see the same funny isolation videos pop up on my whatsapp and FB. I put this down to people reaching the peak of their creativity so the funny videos are drying up. Now they probably feel like hibernating along with me too. I could be a 21st century Rip Van Winkle.

Life is not all doom and gloom. My garden is slowly coming round and we have been taking leaves off the chard to cook. I have also trimmed the carrot tops and added them to a soup. An old potato has sprouted and I now have a gooseberry bush as well. My daughter is coming over to plant runner beans so they can grow up the fence.  At least we will have fresh veg and a few potential desserts to look forward to - when my hibernation is over, that is.

I also look forward to a time when the skip that has now been a feature in the front garden for nearly two weeks will get collected. It doesn't match my idea of garden design and it certainly doesn't look good alongside Doris - my deity standing by my front door. If there is a current scarcity of skips in MK, it is because no one is collecting them. Mine is up for grabs.. Please grab it.

I must finish this now as I need to practise being a Lert... old joke but this country is short of them. We must all do our bit and look out for microscopic particles wafting our way.

Love you, you old dog..


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