Saturday, May 2, 2020

May Day, mayday, mayday

Dear Marmite,

Where is the time going to? I arrived in the UK at the very end of January and it is already May. In that time, a lot of water has passed under the bridge - and more than a few inches of rain too. I am still transforming a house into a temporary home - one bathroom left to do now before I apply the finishing touches.

Beside the regular biking and rolling around on the floor, I am also doing a futurelearn course - Political Ideology and Propaganda. Week 1 is already under my belt and so far it is a great challenge. My days are full.

May Day was spent on my latest art project. I watched an  inspirational All 4  art programme by Grayson and this launched me into hours of getting lost on a big white page. For those who know me, my art is a way of me losing myself rather than producing masterpieces.

On Tuesdays, we go off delivering food parcels and this week I began to feel I know the people I am delivering to. This was a plus this week. The rain was torrential so my paper record of deliveries ended up as a mush. My PPE visor flew away in the wind and so I had to chase it down a car park while hanging on to a clipboard and two food parcels. It might have looked funny, but for me, it wasn't.

My coat was soaked through. I couldn't see through the visor and I had to remember the food orders. I tried to smile when people opened the door to me but with social distancing I couldn't even stand in their porch area to get out of the driving rain - and with carrying parcels, using an umbrella was not an option. I was wet to the core. Smiling was a challenge.

My  house friend has also started to receive community food parcels because of his status or lack of it. Part of this week's offering was 100 mini blackcurrant jam pots like the restaurants use. I'd appreciate any ideas for using these in recipes that don't require flour as that is unavailable still!

On the weather front, I know that you have had terrific thunderstorms in Singapore. I hope you found a safe place to cuddle up in. I know how nervous even the thought of a thunderstorm was for you. You would look out of the window and decide whether it was worth risking a walk if the sky looked overcast - You wily old dog.

Over here we have had what seems like a week of almost continual rain. The garden has thrived because of this. The chard will keep us going for many weeks to come and I am going to cut the carrot tops and use those greens as well this weekend.

I can only imagine eating my plums and Cox's orange pippins in late summer along with a stick or two of rhubarb. I shouldn't wish my time away but I can't wait for a time when life will become, "the new normal". I have already booked a family holiday for October - another thing to look forward to.

Meanwhile, life goes on. It is Ramadan so I am eating late but I don't do Suhoor. I still maintain my bad coffee habit througout the day as well as having a G&T in the evening along with a few puffs of Sheesha. So, as you can see Marms, I am living between worlds and having the best of both. Life isn't that bad and I really don't need to cry for help....mayday, mayday...

Keep safe, look after Rita - she loves you loads and I can see you love her too.



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