Sunday, May 31, 2020

Life in Lockdown

Dear Marmite

I am no longer really sure what lockdown means. I see pictures of crowded beaches and the roads are much busier now as well. A combination of British Whitsuntide, the barmy sun and the Dominic Cummings effect has sent the average Brit into complete amnesia. I believe there are a vast number of people out there who have no idea why we huddled up at home and kept away from all and sundry for well over two months.

More shops open their doors for business tomorrow. I won't be in the queue. I wonder if this lockdown will have changed our shopping habits. When I was in Singapore- a country that styled itself as a shoppers paradise, you could buy anything from anywhere in the world at a price. Nowadays shoppers over there scan a barcode when they enter a mall and then again when they go into a shop. They do the same when leaving the shop and the mall. Everyone wears masks and I think that hand sanitisers and masks are free still. Awareness is high and I think so are the fines.

Big Bad Bumbling Boris and his cronies have failed the UK on so many levels. For once we are top of the league. This league is not one we should be proud to be at the top of though. We are the black sheep of Europe by quite a margin. The media lambasts them and the polls show their ratings slip further south by the day and only they can't see how bad they are. I suppose I should be grateful that the UK has an open press.

There are new travel regulations coming into force in the near future-ish. They are vague and ill thought out like most of the government directives. My friend who is returning to the UK in July from Singapore for good, needs to get her own transport from Heathrow. She cannot use public transport which is fair enough. She also needs to self-isolate for 14 days after returning. Does this mean that everyone in her household has to do the same or is it just the travellers?

She is also unsure whether she has a flight as yet - all is uncertain and in the lap of the Gods. What a nightmare! I have offered to pop down to the airport and pick her up. She is probably more likely to be COVID free than your average Brit. I am not worried about meeting her at all. It will be a muted reunion and not the way we used to greet home-comers. At least she will have wheels - the least I can do.

It was my birthday a couple of days ago and as I mentioned on FB at my age I should quietly let my birthdays slip by as I am heading rapidly for my dotage. I made a meal last Sunday and used the Eid celebration as my birthday and then on my birthday I went out with my house friend for a fish and chips.

We cycled to New Bradwell as I had seen a chip shop there on a previous jaunt. I must say they weren't the best I've tasted but sitting on the grass with the bikes propped up against a tree eating my first fish and chips out of paper since my return was a bit special. It was made more so watching the lengthening shadows as the sun slowly dipped. After we got back, we had birthday cake - homemade by my friend - delicious too. The rum and raisin icecream and cherries were a perfect pairing too. All in all a lovely lockdown birthday.
Big ring.. happy daughter

really wonderful food

Yesterday, my daughter and her fiance came over - yes... they are engaged and the ring is rather big and beautiful - lucky girl. Richard cooked us all another birthday meal and then we went up to Community Orchard to for a gander before playing a highly competitive game of petanque on the recreation ground. Once again I was on the losing side. I really must get practicing.

The most special thing about the last few days is the way so many of my friends all across the world have sent birthday greetings on FB and other apps. It really is very special when we are now in our own little bubbles and isolated from our immediate worlds. Over this coming year I plan to make friends with a literate penguin. I feel this is my only chance of getting a future birthday greeting from Antarctica as well. I got greetings from 6 continents but felt a little let down that no one in Antarctica noticed my special day - only joking Marms. I have enough happy memories to keep me smiling for some time to come.

I know you are doing well. Lockdown Singapore style suits you. I still miss you and send loads of hugs,



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