Thursday, December 12, 2019

Deja Vu all over again

Dear Marms,

The unbelievable has happened and I had a restless night desperate to know the election results in the UK. Today I am both tired and sad. If only you were here to comfort me and put the world to rights. What am I travelling home to? God knows!

It was at Ian's breakfast bar in June 2016 that the sat awaiting the results of the BREXIT referendum - Maybe I am wrong but sitting here again and having the same cloud of gloom because I don't like what might happen to the world seems more than a co-incidence. I don't think I will come here again. This time Britain has seen fit to elect a cheating liar. Next time I sit here it could turn out to be much worse.

Looking at the world outside with the birds chirping and the small fishing boat motors chuntering in the water off Surin Beach, the world is at peace and I am so lucky to have opportunites such as this. I arrived here yesterday afternoon after two long boat trips island hopping.

Yesterday, I said goodbye to you, downed my coffee and got on a speed boat driven by three 250 four stroke Honda outboard motors which give a lot of ooomph. With this amount of ooomph there is a lot of bouncing over the waves and so my downed coffee upped and then downed, upped and downed for much of the journey. I noticed on the back of the driver's chair there were a lot of things prohibited on the boat. Most of these are a physical impossibility when you are clinging onto your seat so as not to be propelled into the other passengers. Picture provided to fill in the missing bits of your imagination. Not so sure about the image on the right prohibits. The girl is holding a whip!

We landed at Koh Lanta and found our land legs again before departing on another boat to Phi Phi. When I visited this island the last time - it had just been devastated by the tusnami - now it was teeming and built up beyond recognition. After Phi Phi it was a relatively short hop to Phuket - another island - by this leg the sea was calmer and the ooomph carried us more forward than upward. Easier on the bottom for sure.

No customs post of course on this part of the trip. Not like my entry to Thailand when I landed on Koh Lipe; a little man behind a window- counter calls out people's names for them to collect their passports. Each name is called two or three times with different interpretations of the names. I sat passively while the indecipherable interpretation of my name  and-DROW-dur (no family name included) was called multiple times before I reacted. As an examiner of an international English exam, I know how many times I have made a pig's ear of sounding some names. I laughed at myself - this poor little man was me.

More to follow... Do write if you have the time, Marms... I know sleeping takes up much of your time. Hugs all round.

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