Friday, December 13, 2019

In search of a torturess


That is the greeting you gave me every morning without fail and also to friends who arrived at our home. Well, Hello old man and how are you coping with the excessive rains in Singapore? I know how much you hate to get sodden.

Besides the vocal greeting, one of your other greetings was to punch/ slap me with your paw - an ouch moment - until I gave you a rub round the shoulders. You didn't restrict this demand to me; most of my friends have been less than politely asked to give you a massage. This happened particularly when they sat on the chaise and you lay at their feet. Amazingly, they all did oblige, You had a real talent for communicating exactly what you wanted. And you still do.

Since I have a dodgy knee and sore back, my physio in Singapore - Gaya (you met her and her son = remember?) told me to get massages along the way. Now I have had three and I can honestly say they were all very different but good in their own way and not have as painful as physio sessions. The last one I had earlier today was with a lady recommended to me by Ian.

Not one of the massueses pressed so hard on the tender bits that I could compare it to the regular torture but it is a great excuse to be told you need to have a massage often. Despite the obvious langauge barriers all the ladies were cautious around the dodgy bits. It brings to mind you being able to let everyone know just where you want to be rubbed.

I almost forgot to mention that Ian has three wonderful - scatty dogs that just love the beach; Lilly, Billy and Cleo. They too have the ability to get just what they want by leaning into you, sitting on you and generally imposing themselves. Being with them makes me wonder how much you would have loved this life close to a beach. Last night when we were dining on the beach and the waves from the full moon high tide sent spray our way, these three little darlings expected, nay demanded full attention. Could you imagine it if you were to sit on my lap when I was eating?  Perish the thought.

I realise that my days of tropical beaches will abruptly come to an end when I leave Phuket and move on to Chang Rai. More fun awaits there but it is a 25 hour coach journey and over a 1000 miles north. Summer clothes will be packed - no longer needed.

I will be leaving the "beautiful" people who strut along the water's edge (and the not so beautiful ones) and head to colder climes. This moment will be another watershed in my journey. As much as this world is connected through efficient transport and social media, you actually never know what tomorrow brings. Sitting here at the breakfast bar overlooking a very exclusive, tranquil patch of the ocean, I am in the moment. Nevertheless, a parting one.

Miss you so much... hugs and rubs all round...

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