Monday, December 9, 2019

Malaysia, Truly Asia!

Dear Marms

I hope you are well rested after your celebrations yesterday. My original plan was to leave on your birthday but then I couldn't fit all the connections in on my way home. That is why I left early.  I know you are in good hands though.

Well, I am at the Penarak Bamboo Beach Hotel in Kuah, Langkawi. I chose it because of the pictures on and I have to say those pictures did it more than justice. I paid a reservation fee to and the man behind the desk couldn't tell me if the price he was telling me to pay was in addition to the reservation fee or not.  This conversation lasted over an hour and involved him leaving - I later spied him sitting in a van in the car park - leaving two other ladies who seemed to be out of their depth to deal with the situation.

Prior to the payment discrepancy, I was told by disappearing man that I had been upgraded -  all I can say is, thank God. Telling me I had a sea view is an exaggeration of the Boris Johnson kind. The seafood restaurant attached to the hotel was closed, leaving me to discover the wonders of the neighbourhood while looking for a place to eat.

Taking a ferry from Penang to Langkawi sounds romantic. It isn't. Nor is it safe. No life jackets, only two exits at the back and everyone is inside - I found it a little claustrophobic and I couldn't really take in the view. More missed tourist experience opportunities. This is Asia, truly.

Why should I be so surprised? Perhaps Singapore as truly spoiled me for Asia.. all good fun and a learning experience..

Missing you very much,

Love n' stuff...

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry too much Andrea, just think about the cakes and coffee that you had in Penang and everything will be fine eventually.
