Saturday, January 11, 2020

All steamed up

Dear Marmite

Mission accomplished. I did a Turkish bath yesterday. I realised it was not the same one I did when I was here before but I have to admit the experience was amazing none the less.

The most bizarre part was sitting on the roof of the bath building in a steam tub in sub zero temperatures. The visibility was poor but that didn't detract from that particular experience. I sat in sulphur smelling water at 42c and then plunged into a 20c ice pool. It certainly wakes you up. Once I had braved it once, it was easy doing it a few times. Today, because of that, I feel great. Knowing how you like swimming, I am sure you would have relished this experience.

As is my way, I walked and walked even though I had a transport pass for the day. The air was warmer than Romania but the sky was heavy and not good for taking photos. I did a selfie of me taking pictures in the cold - my gloves firmly clenched between my teeth. From my senses, Budapest is clearly a city that seems proud of itself. People are polite and on buses and the metro they wait for people to get off before getting on - very civilised.

I also did St Stephen's Basilica as well. That is a relatively new and impressively imposing church both from outside and in. The dedication, skill and love that people have put into making these religious buildings is beyond comprehension. Regardless of the religion there is an undeniable pride that makes these places worth visiting. If only I could show you their beauty.

Today, onwards and upwards. Be good, Marms like I know you can be.



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