Friday, January 10, 2020

Bonhomie on a Drum Bun

Dear Marmite

In the end all turned out well with Romania. In the morning, I went for a walk in the vacinity of my hotel; which was always very friendly if a little overheated. On my stroll round the neighbourhood  I saw a BC building. Drawn like a magnet, I had to find out what British Council, Romania was like. I introduced myself. The security lady on the front desk was lovely and I now have a little insight as to why Romanians behave as they do. I think it boils down to the government not caring about the people so the people just don't care.

Happily I am now over British Council. I can safely walk away.  I certainly didn't get itchy feet to teach. I will say it was a very homely campus and quirky in a way that ours is soul - less and industrial. I do miss lots of people I worked with though. You must remember some of them, Marms. I know you do.

Waiting at the station, the policeman saw I was looking quizically at the board. He was more than helpful. He came over to tell me the platform had changed for my train. All in all, Romania started growing on me and at a time I was all ready to leave.

I had booked a six-bed compartment and for the start of my journey it was all mine. I thought I had won the jackpot. Then two people turned up, huffed and blustered around and then we got talking. The wife was Hungarian and the husband, Romanian. The wife had witnessed a fight and had to give evidence in Romania but her husband had to translate. This was not their first overnight trip to give evidence and then return the next night. They were scathing of the system. They said the government was bad too. The courts were even worse and it took years to get justice.

Some time later another man came to the berth. He said little and climbed in the bunk above mine. Then in the course of the trip. two lots of border guards visited us in bed and looked at our passports. All very civilized, I must say.  In the morning we all got very friendly in our confined area, helping each other to stow the bunks and bedding and with just a little English we laughed together. The couple showed me a picture of their grandson. I said I had three children and the new man said he don't know how many he had and laughed. English humour on a Hungarian train.

The train stopped. Nothing bad happened to me at the station. That bucked the trend and made me happy. I like Budapest already.

Wish you were here. I've seen lots of dogs around already. You would fit in well.

Miss you sooooo much



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