Friday, January 24, 2020

My Mr Bean moment

Dear Marmite

Early this morning, when the temperature was worse than nippy, I braved the cold and took my dirties to the laundry. I was heading for a fiasco. First of all, I gave up French at 16 and my comprehension when reading is pretty slow. That is my first excuse.

Secondly, the laundry had far too many machines to choose from- 6kg, 7kg, 9kg, 18kg. Also the instructions were complicated and in French. Pouquoi? I asked myself. I plumped for a 7kg. Easy. I just forgot which 7kg machine I had selected and put my washing powder in the wrong one. Once I had remedied this mistake, I emptied the first machine and put my clothes in the one next to it. No problem!  I closed the door and it started without me putting in the powder. It wouldn't stop.  So I bought some more powder in a real hurry but forgot to put the cup under the dispenser so I lost most of the second lot. You get the picture!

Fortunately, at that time I was the only person in the shop. My performance was purely for the CCTV. Diane and Marmite, you remember previous CNY performances for the benefit of CCTV - Keppel? That performance involved a drain, a reluctant dog and a bus of onlookers.  I think it must be just CNY that engenders the need to provide entertainment for security cameras.

Later, while I was engrossed in watching my underwear go round and round, a lady came into the shop and asked me some questions in French. Aha..  I thought, I can't help there! Surprisingly, I did. I knew the ropes by that time and could guide her through loading up the 18kg machine with her duvet and showing her how to get the powder. I found some French words from the rusty recesses of my brain.

Yesterday I explored the city and liked what I saw. I visited the cathedral of St. Jean yet another gothic masterpiece and walked the streets of the island in the middle of the Rhone. Today, as it is sooooo cold I am hoping to find the Hop-On city bus to learn about the city from the warmth of a bus.

My head is full of cold and my nose has turned into an Olympic runner. Anything that warms me up is good. I know that you can even begin to imagine how cold it is. It is even colder than when we used to shave you and you hid under rugs and cushions to keep yourself warm. Believe me - it is freezing-  literally freezing. Over here you'd need all your fur and a jacket, trust me!

Missing you loads,



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