Monday, January 27, 2020

The French Connection

Dear Marmite

Yesterday was a day for meeting old friends and especially nice because it was a real home and an escape. Being in France there is obviously a French connection so naturally the champagne flowed as did the conversation of old times and friends past.

There is a famous film of this name. I don't think we watched this film together and to be honest, my French connection was more of a Singaporean one. There were no American cops involved and certainly no heroin. Our conversation did veer to heroines and flawed men who we probably would still floor given the chance, but that is the only tenuous link and there certainly wasn't any FCUK.

After lunch, I went to Sainte Chapelle and the Conciegerie, a Rayonnant style church and living quarters of the Kings of France. The stained glass windows of the chapel are magnificent but the assmbled throng of tourists - mostly from Asia were far too pre-occupied taking selfies and posing in front of things they obscured with their pouting lips. They certainly weren't there for the experience. This was all the more annoying as signs clearly show the things you can't do in this place and one of them is take selfies.

My visit was spoiled by my ire more than anything. I grouchily walked around Ile de la Cite and then around Saint Michel. Again the street were crowded with tourists on a damp, dank Sunday afternoon. The remains of Notre Dame was another selfie spot so I swiftly moved on and groused to myself.

While I am on a roll, Marms, and you know how you used to listen when I wanted to vent; I don't like the way my path is blocked by young African men menacing me to buy tat. They don't take non for an answer and they follow you until they spot their next prey. They do seem to be in most places - especially tourist ones. These people give decent Africans a bad name. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I do see their plight  and Iempathise but encouraging them in this activity doesn't solve the underlying problems. They feel menacing.
A morning visit to Sacre Coeur

a wintery Seine

I could go on with a long list of everything in the world that annoys me. This letter would turn into something the length of War and Peace if I did. In fact, despite my moans triggered by selfie obsessed tourists, I had a really super day. Sandra, it really was a lovely interlude on my journey back to England. We should do this more often so my place next time!

Maybe Marms, when they let dogs sit on seats in aircraft, you too could join me. I am sure you would relish the boxed meal and watch a movie or two to pass the time. I know you would be the perfect companion on any long haul flight.

What do you think?

Love you as always


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