Thursday, January 2, 2020

So all I did was eat, eat, eat...

Dear Marmite

Plans for yesterday were cut to a minimum as the weather was truly atrocious. By the time I had met Naeroz and caught one of many ferries that serve the Asian side of Istanbul a gale was blowing and the storm clouds poured icy rain in a horizontal direction. It was bitter.

We sat in a restuarant in the warm and watched men with their fishing rods dangling in the water fight the elements. In all the time we were there, I didn't see one fish caught. To a man,  they all looked weary and forlorn. They leaned into the wind at a 45 degree slant, keeping their heads low. If we had gone out walking, all I would have seen was the pavement.

Over on the European bank a rainbow appeared but for the life of me I coudn't see where the pot of gold was. From the warmth of the restaurant it looked spectacular. After drinking coffee, eating cake and laughing too much, we set off for the ferry back to Besiktas on the European side. Right by the dock was a restaurant. It was warm so we spent what seemed like hours eating more and then smoking shisha.

By 10pm, completely stuffed, we left. I got on the right bus and then got off at the wrong stop so I had a late night tour before finding my way back to the hotel. Turkey feels very safe and there are lots of polis everywhere. There appears to be a mosque almost on every corner but there is such diversity in the different districts. Even getting lost was interesting.

Today is my last day in Istanbul. I can now orientate myself and read the signs. I think I have done the major sightseeing things but as you know, Marms, I don't make a list of everything I do. I have decided I will be back one day if only to buy stuff from the Grand Bazzaar. So many beautiful things under one roof. I could spend a fortune.

Luckily, sense has prevailed and I cannot carry any more than what I have already so I leave this city slightly lighter than when I arrived.

Bye Bye Turkey.




  1. Good words from beautiful lady..
    Istanbul will miss you so much ,and me too .
