Saturday, January 25, 2020

I did it all

Dear Marmite

This is not a boast. Yesterday on the Hop on Bus I saw all of Lyon and learnt loads. Unlike One Republic no bones broken. Also, unlike Penang in Malaysia this one was where it was supposed to be and it was on time. The lady, Emilie, in the information centre spoke perfect English and could answer all my questions and told me more besides. Even before I got on the bus I knew it was going to be a good trip.

Lyon is a World Heritage City that was originally built by the Romans from BC 43. There is a massive great amphitheatre and lots of rocks lying around - surprise, surprise on the hill to the west above the Soane River. The area is called Fouviere and it looks down on the rest of the city. More recently a church was built on this same hill to celebrate the Prussians not attacking the city in 1870. That is called Notre Dame de Fourviere and on a clear day I expect you could see the entire city. This is a particularly nice area with small streets and very steep alleys.

To the south of Lyon is the Confluence. This is the newest part of the city and the housing has been built to be environmentally friendly and 20% of this is social housing. The whole area was once marsh land but now it is a very impressive place with some very clever buildings. This is a city in itself. It is also well connected with public transport.

The new old part of the city was where the silk workers did their stuff and on the island area where the main shopping area is, there is space and loads of plants set out in planters where people once parked their cars. I could go on at length about how these little touches make the city a good place to be. I won't and there is a downside. On the East bank of the Rhone there is a large area mostly inhabited by Africans and Arabs. Here there are loads of restaurants selling kebabs and the such, and barbers outnumber hairdressers on every street. Despite the cold, lots of men hang around on street corners making it feel a bit edgy.

I said I did it all. This isn't exactly true. On my way back to the hotel from the bus trip, I walked past the outdoor swimming pool. I had preiously noticed that the leisure pool with slides has lumps of ice floating on it but the training pool next to it was full of people swimming in the dark in sub zero temperatures. Part of me thought wow, I'd like to do that but the heavy cold in my head told me to keep walking and dream on. I have to admit it did look fun though. One day...

That is enough of me waxing lyrical about this city. I am off to Paris. A short hop..
Nearly home.

Love you loads



1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I am Emilie from the tourist office!

    I'm so glad to be able to read your words, and thank you for mentioning me! It truly makes me happy 😁

    Wishing you the best

