Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Big Change of Plan

Dear Marmite,

I am sure you will be resting between meals/walks/hugs so I'll unburden my troubles on you. As you know my plan was to go home to the UK overland wih the highlight being the Trans Siberian Railway. Well that is not going to happen. Everything is booked to Hanoi and that is where I come unstuck.

I need a visa to get into China and another Visa to get into Russia. The Russian visa has to be sorted before the Chinese one, as I need an exit from China before I can go in. It is the Russian visa that is the big hitch. I can't get a visa more that 30 days before travelling and I will be leaving Singapore on 4th December but not getting on the train in Beijing until 4th January 2020. SOOOO annoying...

In addition to my troubles, I will no longer be resident in Singapore as I have to give up my card when I finish work. You can only get visas from your country of residnecy so that is a massive drawback...

So what do you think to my new idea?... I fly from Hanoi to Istanbul and stay there for a week. Then I get a train to Bucharest and then do the equivalent of the Orient Express back to UK... stopping off at odd places. It will be an epic train journey and I can always do the Trans Siberian the other way in the near future...

Whichever way I go home, you'll be with me in my heart..

Thinking of you always.

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