Saturday, November 30, 2019

Missing work already

Dear Marms

Just like with you, it is funny how much you realise you are going to miss something when it is gone. Work has gone. There are bits that I will really miss. I will miss MyClubs.

MyClubs are a value-added opportunity for enrolled students to sign up for extra classes and I just loved having them on my timetable. They covered things like Pron Dr. , Vocab Dr. Film and TV, Coffee and Conversation, Gardening... the list goes on.

Some students are hardcore attendees and go to all lessons regardless of level so you get to know them really well. Also in one class you can get a whole range of language abilites so it is a bit like life outside the classroom where as a beginner you have to make sense of complexity and accept there are somethings that will remain a mystery.

My one-but-last MyClub was at Seed Cafe - just a short walk from work. Seed Cafe is part of the Rainbow Centre and the students from that school work in the cafe - a marvellous idea all round.

Last Thursday, there were around a dozen MyClub students from all over Asia chatting away in English - their only common language. The conversation, peppered with laughter, showed how well everyone gets along. The picture sent to me by Stella (Thank you) is a nice momento of this almost last class of mine.

Do I have any MyClub regrets? - perhaps I should have taught these ladies how to play "spoons" - I do think it has cultural currency. Maybe Diane, this is a future opportunity for you... MyClub "Spoons" - but you will need a risk assessment, for sure.

Remember Spoons? Marmite you witnessed Laura and Sammi rolling around the floor - fighting it out for one spoon.. That is spoons. How could you forget?

Love U!!!

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