Sunday, November 3, 2019

I like to ride my bicycle, I like to ride it where I like...

Hi Marms,
Remember how bikes brought on those nervous twitches and how you tried to hide behind my legs everytime a cyclist went past. Then, I got a bike which I hung up just outside the front door and that certainly wasn't much to your liking to start with either. You gave it a wide berth each time you stepped out of the house.

Slowly you got round to accepting it though and I am pleased about that. I have to tell you the joy it has brought me over the last eighteen months. Singapore says it is a bike friendly city... this is not true. The majority of  drivers  are far too impatient and unaware of cyclists for Singapore to claim that.  I have been knocked off twice now -  the first time, I broke a bone in my leg as a result of being hit by a van.

Despite this, I still love cycling. Sunday mornings are my favourite time, especially. I commute to work alongside the weekend lycra clad brigade on their finely-tuned racers. These Singaporean cyclists are friendly - and this is something I will really miss when I set off on my travels in just one month now.

Today is a Sunday and it was going to be my last ever Sunday commuting to work. Unflortunately, last night I blew the back tyre when I hit a bump while cycling at top speed over a sleeping policeman. My bike is now at a friend's place, the back wheel is under my desk at work and I am using public transport.. If only I hadn't been so keen to see the Rugby finals...

Anyway, not all doom and gloom, the wheel is fixed thanks to my favourite shop in Cuscaden Road - Treknology  - and I shall once again head up to the British Club tomorrow morning for tennis training on my bright red bike with go-faster stripes. Yay!


  1. Finally found your blog and delighted to get mention as temporary bike home

  2. Finally found your blog and delighted to get mention as temporary bike home
