Saturday, November 16, 2019

Halfwits and Drongos

Dear Marms

We are fortunate to have none of these people among our friends but there are a lot of them around and I suspect they are evenly spread throughout the world.

In the time I have been sorting out my return to the UK I have come across an inordinate amount of these people. Let me give you  just a few examples - I wanted to travel through Russia and for that I needed a visa. The agents were very helpful until  I came across a snag - I realised I wouldn't be entering Russia within 30 days of leaving Singapore where I would have to get my visa sorted. I emailed my agent and guess what? They sent the same information again but didn't answer my question. It took two more emails before I got an answer.  I imagine that travel agents earn their keep because they are experts in their field. If I have a query, they should be the "go-to" people. This is a wrong asumption.

Number two - This was a robot answering service who called herself Sarah. When I wanted to book an appointment to have my water and electricity cut she was the only person I could get to speak to. Sadly, she didn't understand and it took 2 hours to get a human to actually help... I thought AI was the future but this one was not "intelligent". I swear that if I ever meet Sarah, i'll punch her. I spoke to three different people but each time Sarah interrupted and told me my problem was sorted and then cut the conversation so I had to start again. TWO HOURS of my life  wasted trying to get a robot answering serivce to comprehend!

I could go on ad nauseum... I won't. The memories are painful and I must treat these encounters as learning experiences. My advice to the world... employ people who can read emails and sort out systems that respond to more than one issue... Is that too much to ask?

Now I have had my rant all is well with the worls and  I probably won't punch Sarah as it would hurt my knuckles..

Hugs abound when I see you later

Love U

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear, Rita... I will aim to be more entertaining in the future

