Sunday, November 24, 2019

Potentially My last ever working week!

Dear Marms

How odd is that? The thought that I may never work again makes me feel a bit weird. It is not that I loved everything about working but it certainly gives a structure to your life and in many ways it is the reason to get up and get going. What I will miss is the banter and support from friends and colleagues - guys, I'll miss you all loads; certainly the ginger chocolates and even Karl's puns, perhaps. All in all it has been a good place to be just because of the people.

Friday is my last working day and I imagine myself leaving my lanyard behind, entering the lift on the fourth floor - I call that floor the Magic Kingdom because pretty strange things happen up there -  carrying a large bag filled with the detritus currently spread across my desk and in my locker and simply disappearing. Whoa.. THAT is going to be a big moment.

Fortunately, I will jumping into a taxi and whizzing off to the British Club for tennis so that moment will be gone and like a roller coaster I will be on that cusp of disappearing into the unknown.

I could go on at length about all the bad things that happen at work; most of them comedic and definitely worthy of a British sitcom but somehow bad things don't stick in my memory as being that bad. They really are just bizzarely funny happenings. I expect one day when I am back in England talking about the old times with people who shared my life out here in Singapore - we'll have tears of laughter rolling down our cheeks and not those from the frustrations we all endured at work.

You must remember some of those times when sitting on the floor we'd chat about how bad the day had been and somehow you made good sense of it all and in the end life never seemed to be that bad.. Thank you for that, Marms - you have always been a good listener - one of the best, in fact.

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