Tuesday, November 12, 2019

My other Great Love!!!

Dear Marms

When I disappeared and came back looking a bit dishevelled and rather sweaty you never asked what I had been doing. You probably felt a little relieved that you weren't part of the action.

I expect you remember coming to watch me play tennis sometimes on the Dairy Farm courts. You would lie down on the bench with your chin on your knees and one paw hanging over the side - my friends would pat you on the head on their way onto court and have a brief chat. Those were happy times.

Those weren't my only tennis times. I had a tennis life beyond those courts and often  came home almost too exhausted to talk to you.

The reason I am telling you this is  that my team had the last WITS  match of the autumn season yesterday and it was another big thing that measures time running out for me here in Singapore.  We, the Can"O"Balls were playing "Having a Ball". All good friends and great rivals!

The British Club has been a big part of my time here and without it, the tennis, the Wednesday night quizzes and free bottles of wine, life might have been far less rich.

Tennis is as much about the people you play with as it is the game and the tennis players at the club have been a wonderful bunch without exception. The lunchtime champagne yesterday is case in point!

The big box my team gave me for my leaving present brought tears to my eyes - mostly because I couldn't put it on my bike - that bit was a joke - I might be leaving without you but I have got an elephant to take back to the UK from Singapore and he shall be named Marsiling as I worked there for a time.

Don't be jealous.. You will be travelling with me in my heart.

Love you always


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