Sunday, November 10, 2019

My "Green" credentials are slipping

Dear Marms

The house is nearly empty now and you would hardly recognise it. The rug you always put your legs under and used like a blanket will be gone by the end of today and there is very little esle left.

About three years ago I set myself a New Year's Resolution to thow out, give away or recycle something every week. I have kept to this for all this time but even so near the end I still have stuff I am not too sure what to do with.

I organised a "sell it" pile and Ling from work has been amazing helping to clear that; a "give it away" pile - mostly for the condo to help themselves; a "recycle" pile and the "throw it" pile. The trouble is with just two days before the packers turn up I am doing things I am not proud of. I put an empty jar from the anchovies into the rubbish without rinsing it.. It won't get recycled  - I know - but I'm living with the guilt of not putting the effort into sorting things like that in a mindful way. I think my hopes that nothing is really wasted goes to the heart and that is why it has taken me so long to get to this state of empty-houseness.

Last weekend, a friend took an IKEA standard lamp for a walk.. actually she took it to her apartment and on the way she said it had a "Marmite moment". It sat down heavily and didn't want to move. I know you know that feeling.

These pictures are of the lamp walking along the Pang Sua canal - our regular route for a morning walk.

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