Thursday, November 28, 2019

What? A way to leave...

Dear Marms

Yesterday in many ways was a blur. What with the leaving cupcake and the recently rediscovered leaving card presented around the island at work along with two other colleagues; and the WITS do that I arrived rather late to, today will be enacted in survival mode. The two events bear nothing in common ( in energy expended and fun had) but I mention them because they happen to happen on the same day.

I awoke full of beans as always this morning but now things have settled to an even keel. Muffin and I have already been round the block. The coffee was been downed and fortunately that black elixir has now hit the spot.

Ah, yes, where was I? I turned up to party time around 10:30 after leaving class at speed and for a while felt like I shouldn't be there as everyone of those tennis-playing ladies of Singapore were in full swing and I still had work in my head. This is a very strange feeling  - like you have probably gatecrashed the wrong event. Moreover, it was the polar opposite of what I had just left.

Worst of all, these end of season dos are themed and everyone was in a black dress and masked. The others had spent hours getting dolled up and I had just run out of the office... so many contrasts.   I felt a bit like a penguin using genetic imprinting to find my team. This was not easy... Hundreds of black outfits - all tennis players and wearing masks. And.. all were dancing! ALL!!

It didn't take long to slip into party mode and even though this wasn't about ME as so many of my recent forays have been, I felt that it really was a big moment in my going away from sunny Singapore. At parties like these where the physical energy lifts off the roof, I feel very much at home, introverted as I am. I know some of you party girls will read this...It was a great night...really. I'll see some of you  later today, no doubt.

Tennis has been a big part of my time here and I reckon I must have played in the first ever WITS season when it was quite a small event. Now there is an industry that has grown to support this tennis habit - coaching - clothing - partying - sponsoring. It is BIG beyond belief. This time it was organised by "Queen" Linda and her committee. I can't imagine that my new life will have the same pizzazz - not in Milton Keynes, anyway.

So Marmite, when I was cleaning the house and dancing with the mop, little did you know it was serious training for party time.

Miss you loads, Muffin sends his love too.


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